Recent Articles

  • 8 ways competitive shooting improves defensive performance

    Mike Ox Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    ​My primary focus for shooting is helping people learn the skills they need to survive lethal force encounters. Whether it's law enforcement, military, concealed carry or home defense, I want you to be prepared mentally, physically and technically to succeed when second place isn't an option.

  • Are you wasting your doctor’s time?

    Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    ​The relationship between patients and their doctors has long been explored and remains key to delivering high-quality healthcare. Policymakers and healthcare professionals are increasingly interested in the patient experience.

  • The reward of trying new things

    Debra Josephson Abrams Education

    Community outreach is one of my many responsibilities as an English Language Fellow. As such, I am invited to make presentations and give workshops throughout Moscow and central Russia. In late December, I taught three classes to 10th and 11th graders at Moscow's School #1253, a preeminent English language institution for students from primary grades through high school. The vast majority of students had never met a native English user, and all of them are in some stage of preparing for the high-stakes Unified State Exam (EGE), whose results "are now the only basis by which universities may enroll students."

  • Metals Thoughts: Channel surfing

    Brad Yates Natural Resources

    ​When I left the desk two weeks ago, gold was trading at $1,235 and hasn’t gone more than $20 either way from there since. With most headlines these days high on apoplectic shock and low on actual economic substance, we are all basically reduced to spewing ideological confirmation bias instead of looking at asset prices.

  • Is this the death of the PLSS?

    Jason Foose Science & Technology

    Alaska's PLSS survey is still in its infancy. Freshly placed monuments are still steaming, and some 35 million acres of state lands are yet unsurveyed — that's about the size of the state of New York. I caught wind that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is proposing to transfer the balance of state land to Alaska through the Direct Point Positioning Survey (DPPS) method.

  • Police departments adapting to public expectations

    Bambi Majumdar Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    Police departments across the country are rethinking their use-of-force policies. The Denver Police Department is the latest to join in. Denver Police Chief Robert White said the new use-of-force policy would expect officers to avoid reacting and rushing into dangerous situations and demonstrate emotional intelligence. In the face of any volatile situation, the officers would be expected to employ de-escalation techniques that would aid in resolving issues without arms or violence.

  • The empty seat at the board table

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    This is not a story about a quorum — though one would hope there are no empty seats at the board table when a meeting is called. This is a tale about member interests being considered at board meetings.

  • What exactly defines a team?

    Betty Boyd Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Do members of your team seem to be at odds with each other? Maybe it's time to examine what exactly makes a team. How can an organization best define its teams, while keeping its employees engaged and productive? A recent New York Times article explored that very subject by taking a look at how tech giant Google approached teamwork.

  • Could animals grow human organs in the near future?

    Chelsea Adams Medical & Allied Healthcare

    For the first time, scientists have demonstrated that growing humans organs in other species could be possible. In a study published the journal Cell this month, researchers successfully injected human stem cells into a pig embryo. While the developing embryo was "highly inefficient," the stem cells developed into the precursors of heart and liver cells. A portion of the developing embryo was comprised of human cells.

  • Scary indicators that you’re not connected to your community

    Mark MacDonald Religious Community

    ​What's the biblical response to shrinking numbers? "Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled." Luke 14:23 is quite a command! It's saying, "Connect to the community." Church is like throwing a ministry banquet and, of course, we're expecting our congregation to attend. But like the parable, many have (poor) excuses for nonattendance, and our pews aren't full. Yet, right outside our doors we have thousands of people who have no interest in what we're doing.