Recent Articles

  • Instagram shares top 3 ways to create successful ads

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    In the fall of 2015, Instagram allowed businesses of all sizes anywhere in the world to create ad campaigns. Since then, Instagram has grown and grown, gaining more than 600 million new users in 2016 alone. With more users came an influx of advertisers. Now, not even two years since the feature launched, there are more than 1 million monthly active advertisers on the platform.

  • Why is no one using our patient portal?

    Christina Thielst Healthcare Administration

    Patient portals and the functionality they offer have the potential to increase access to service, improve convenience and more effectively engage patients and consumers. They can also increase efficiencies for both patients and their providers.

  • Consider the cost of maintaining a lean team

    Lloyd Princeton Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    ​In times of uncertainty or negative growth, it makes sense to keep staffing to a minimum and draw on freelance or outsourced help when and if needed. When business begins to pick up, however, often the smarter strategy is to add staff in order to keep up with increased demand.

  • Going low tech: When 3-D scanning just won’t work

    Renee Eaton Engineering

    When designing a product or part, many people take inspiration from what's around them and end up looking to have an object 3-D scanned in order to modify or reproduce it. In 3-D scanning, the term "reverse engineering" has a specific meaning: converting the messy point cloud or polygonal data into a file better suited for engineering CAD software (e.g., STEP, IGES or native SolidWorks files).

  • A good leadership coach is a lot like a personal trainer

    Deb Page Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    If you have ever worked with a personal trainer, you know it is possible to have a love-hate relationship with that person who literally stretches you farther than you may be comfortable going. A good leadership performance coach works in much the same way. A personal trainer doesn't help you improve your speaking ability, cooking skills or personal relationships, nor does the trainer follow you home to make sure your house is clean. The personal trainer helps you achieve your strength and fitness goals.

  • Why do my joints crack?

    Heidi Dawson Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Cracking, popping and clicking joints are a common sound to most people. Some experience this noisiness more than others, but in most cases it isn't painful. But what is it causing this noise? And should it be cause for concern?

  • Healthcare jobs aplenty, but not all will make you rich

    Scott E. Rupp Healthcare Administration

    Do you work in healthcare, or want to? You're on the path to seeing the money, Glassdoor reports. Here are the specifics: Physicians make the most of any profession in the U.S. The median base salary was $187,876, with 7,770 job openings for 2017. But there are others in healthcare who are close behind: pharmacy managers earn $149,064 median base salary; pharmacists average $125,847; physician assistants average $112,529 and nurse practitioners $104,144.

  • Drug spending may be slowing down in US

    Dr. Abimbola Farinde Pharmaceutical

    The high costs of prescription drugs in the United States has been a prevalent topic of conversation within the last few years, and this largely aligns with the United States being recognized for paying the highest prices for drugs in the world. The U.S. reportedly spends almost $1,000 per person annually on drugs, which is about twice that of countries such as Germany and France.

  • What does the ‘i’ in Apple’s products mean?

    Paul Zukowski Communications

    Pods. Pads. Palm Pilots. Sometimes product names can take on a life of their own and become buzzwords that define a whole category of products. That's certainly true for some of Apple's products. As the tech giant just announced its plans for ​a new red iPhone 7 and a new, cheaper iPad, I began pondering the origin of those product names.

  • Hockey helmets don’t protect the neck — as these players found…

    Dr. Denise A. Valenti Sports & Fitness

    ​Professional sports often have a high risk for injury, and the potential for serious life-threatening injury does exist. As professional sports have become more intense over the years, so have the efforts to protect players from injury. The equipment has improved in order to protect players from injuries and prevent the potential damage that threatens to end winning seasons and careers.