Recent Articles

  • Pilot study: Treating opioid use disorder with naltrexone during pregnancy…

    Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Neonatal opioid withdrawal syndrome (NOWS) is common due to the current opioid addiction epidemic. The incidence of infant opioid withdrawal has grown rapidly in many countries over the last decade, nearly a fivefold increase, presenting significant health and early brain development concerns. However, a recent study led by researchers at Boston Medical Center showed that infants of mothers taking naltrexone during pregnancy had shorter hospital stays than infants of mothers who took buprenorphine during pregnancy.

  • Bummed, burnt or just plain beat?

    Lisa Cole Mental Healthcare

    Life can often feel like an endurance contest — deadline after deadline with piles upon piles of work. When we’re wallowing in funky feelings, it can help to pause, determine what we are feeling and needing and take appropriate action. As much as we think pushing on even harder may remedy our discomfort, stopping may be the best first thing to do. We can give ourselves "permission to pause." By taking that break and granting ourselves a breather, it may become obvious that we are simply physically exhausted.

  • The best ways to save money for college

    Julie Anne Wells Education

    College not only opens up more job opportunities for young professionals, it also equips them with a unique set of experiences and learning perspectives. It is a fundamental milestone that bridges the gap between childhood and adulthood for millions of Americans every year. But it’s also extremely expensive. If you have a child of any age, you should start planning for their college fund as soon as possible. Here are a few top tips for how to save money for your child’s college education.

  • 5 lesser-known strategies for product placement in social media marketing

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    Product placement can be an incredibly effective way to familiarize consumers with your brand — but when it comes to incorporating it into a social media sales push, you need to tread carefully. Your target audience on social media is opinionated and not afraid to share their impressions. You want to work with them and respect their viewpoints rather than try to tell them what they should think of what you have to sell. Need some fresh ideas on how to accomplish this? Research has your back.

  • Global surgical transfer of care to the wound clinic

    Tiffany Hamm and Jeff Mize Medical & Allied Healthcare

    A common scenario occurring in wound clinics all over the nation is the request for follow-up wound services by surgeons during the post-operative global period. Wound clinic physicians might be seeing these patients with the intention of offloading some of the work for the surgeon or believing that they are increasing volume in their own clinics. Wound clinic physicians must be aware of the surgical global packaging rules as they relate to the transfer of care from one provider to another.

  • The most important job of a leader

    Roberta Matuson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    What do you think the most important job of a leader is? Is it to motivate the team to achieve departmental business objectives? Engage employees to ensure they are highly productive? Drive home business results? While thoseare essential, none are the most important job of a leader. Why? Because a leader cannot accomplish any of this without the right people on his or her team. Therefore, the most critical job of a leader is to hire the right people.

  • Is your hospital’s patient-centered approach specific enough?

    Lisa Mulcahy Healthcare Administration

    As a healthcare professional, you strive to provide your patients with service that creates the highest level of satisfaction possible. Yet, even the best patient-centered approach may be overlooking small points that really matter. It's key to take a granular overview of whether you're getting as specific as you possibly can when it comes to the details your patients truly care about. Use this advice to provide the things they truly want and need.

  • Wielding the power of offline discussions

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Meetings can be the bane of our existence or a boon to our productivity and culture. Similarly, how we prepare for them can range from winging it to massive PowerPoint decks with handouts. Whether it is a quarterly board meeting or a weekly team meeting, offline discussions can make or break the effectiveness of the time we spend together. Here are a few tips and tricks for avoiding underlying pitfalls and making the most of offline discussions to better optimize our meetings.

  • Remodeling activity to ease, then dip in 2020

    Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    Contrary to earlier forecasts, demand for residential remodeling services increased during the second quarter of 2019. Industry experts have adjusted their growth projections for the year upward. At the same time, however, they now foresee a steeper decline in growth for the year ahead. Mark Boud, chief economist at Metrostudy, noted that continued weak home sales and construction rates were expected to continue into 2020, resulting in “some loss of remodeling activity."

  • What you should know about Texas’ newest gun laws

    John McAdams Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    Sept. 1 was the effective date for most of the new pieces of legislation passed by the Texas Legislature in its most recent session. Among other changes, hunters no longer need to possess a valid hunting license to shoot feral hogs on private property with landowner permission. But there are also several new gun laws that just went into effect that you need to be aware of. These include House Bill 1143, which allows people with a valid License to Carry a Handgun (LTC) to store a firearm or ammunition in their vehicle on school grounds.