Recent Articles

  • Adjectives and nouns: The semantics of discussing students

    Erick Herrmann Education

    Educators have discussions about students on a daily basis. In a past article, I discussed the notion of labeling students, and how labels may be helpful or harmful to students. That article focused primarily on labeling students who speak a language other than English, and the consequences of those labels. Yet we use many other labels when we are discussing our students, sometimes with colleagues, and sometimes with the students themselves. Semantics have a powerful impact. When we are discussing students, consider the words you use with your colleagues as well as with the students themselves.

  • World Mountain Ungulates Conference shows concerns, hope

    Chester Moore Jr. Recreation & Leisure

    "What the heck is a mountain ungulate?" An Instagram follower asked this after I posted about attending the 7th World Mountain Ungulates Conference in Bozeman, Montana. It is a good question. Ungulate, after all, is sort of a strange word. The quick explanation is an ungulate is an animal with hooves and a “mountain ungulate” is any of the variety of sheep, goats, deer and antelope that inhabit the hills and highlands of the world.

  • Loyalty is a 2-way street

    Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    I often hear business owners and corporation executives bemoan the lack of loyalty among their underlings. They complain about staff turnover and how staff will move to another company at the drop of a hat, their employees’ willingness to publicly disparage the company they work for, and their eagerness to discourage others from joining the company by openly sharing the "dirty laundry." If you can find another person to hire in this person's place, then that’s a smart, no-brainer business solution. Right? But take another look: loyalty is a two-way street.

  • September is Healthy Aging Month: Proper oral care helps seniors age well

    Tammy Hinojos Oral & Dental Healthcare

    How essential is having a healthy mouth to your physical health? According to many medical experts, you really can’t be in peak physical condition if your oral health isn't what it should be. Dentists who are aware of this correlation tell their patients to think about their mouths as the "gateway to wellness." For seniors, maintaining oral health becomes even more important. This is because as people age, they become more susceptible to diseases.

  • How do busy people find time to read?

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Reading is fundamental. Yet somewhere on the path from all-nighters in college to here, most of us lost the drive, time or impetus to read with the intensity, purpose or sheer volume we did when we were in school. As leaders, though, we are required to use our brains to solve problems, remain innovative and inspire creativity. Books provide a great counter-balance to experience when developing and maintaining that muscle. Here are a few reasons and ways to bring reading back into the daily routine.

  • Using VUCA for strategic risk management

    Greg Githens Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    VUCA is well known as a framework for identifying threats and opportunities. The aspects of volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity also characterize the enterprise environment for organizational strategy. Understanding them gives risk professionals an opportunity to contribute to the way that strategy is crafted.

  • Which states offer the best public educations?

    Bambi Majumdar Education

    Public education encompasses the bulk of the education system in the U.S. It is controlled and funded at three levels — local, state, and federal. Funding, school curricula, educational standards, teaching, standardized testing decisions, and other policies differ from one state to the other. Naturally, their performances vary as well. U.S. News & World Report and World Population Review recently released their separate state education rankings. Massachusetts and New Jersey ranked first and second, respectively, on both lists.

  • 5 free tech tools for the music classroom

    Aileen Miracle Education

    Are you looking for ways to incorporate technology into your music room? In this article, I'm detailing five of my favorite tech tools — and they are all free! My first tool is the Rhythm Trainer website. It is a fun way to practice dictation and audiation. You can choose the rhythms students know, then students listen to an audio sample and dictate it with those rhythms.

  • View from Europe: HVAC and Brexit

    Andrew Gaved Manufacturing

    As U.S. readers are no doubt aware, the U.K. is still in the throes of trying to leave the European Union, a process we now universally describe in a single word: Brexit. It is not my place here to go into the political machinations that have been going on for the last three years as the country has attempted to negotiate a legal exit from the EU. My purpose, instead, is to report on the challenges that the HVAC industry faces because of the threat of Brexit. What the industry fears is the prospect of a no-deal Brexit.

  • Is the investment industry beginning to change?

    Patrick Gleeson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    One of the shocking things I learned about the personal investment industry during the years I worked as a Registered Investment Advisor was how often even the most reputable stockbrokers acted against their clients’ best interests. Recent suits against the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) may change all this — but this remains to be seen. The industry has successfully fought off attempts at real reform for decades.