Recent Articles

  • Study: Private hospital payment rates much higher than Medicare, Medicaid

    Scott E. Rupp Healthcare Administration

    Rising healthcare costs be damned; the industry and federal regulators continue to attempt to reign in outlandish prices. But, according to a new study published in the journal Health Affairs, hospital payment rates to private insurance have grown much faster than to Medicare and Medicaid. Researchers reviewed payments for inpatient hospital stays, emergency department visits, and outpatient care from 1996 to 2016, finding private charges rose as much as five times the rate of Medicare during that period.

  • 6 clues your employee is considering quitting

    Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Sometimes when valued employees submit their resignation, it may seem like it came out of nowhere. You had no clue it was coming, and it stuns you. How could you have missed the signs and could you have done anything about it? If he needed more of a challenge, you could have offered it. If she needed a higher pay, then maybe you could have somehow sweetened the deal. If it had been a troublesome co-worker, then maybe you could have intervened. But like a marriage in trouble, there are always signs. Here are some of the most obvious.

  • Trend alert: Social media communities are a powerful digital marketing…

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    As a marketer, you want your audience to trust and respect the products and services you're offering. An excellent way to do this is by fostering an authentic sense of togetherness with your existing customers — and then inviting new and potential customers into the circle. Creating a brand-owned social media community is a lot easier than you think. How do you do it? With common sense and humanity. Begin with these key steps.

  • Officers pair with crisis prevention teams to protect, serve better

    Bambi Majumdar Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    Since 1991, New Haven, Connecticut, has pioneered police partnerships with mental health workers in its innovative Child Development-Community Policing (CD-CP) program. Now, the city of St. Louis is following New Haven’s lead with its Mobile Crisis Prevention Team. The team pairs St. Louis cops with volunteer community health workers to provide victims and others affected by crime with access to help. They focus on the social issues and environmental conditions that affect individuals. This way, they can address core concerns and redirect individuals before they become further embroiled in crimes.

  • New rules to aim to improve kidney disease care, increase number of organ…

    Lynn Hetzler Healthcare Administration

    More 113,000 Americans are on the waitlist for organs; about 20 die each day. The federal government recently proposed new rules to increase the availability of organs for those waiting for lifesaving organ transplants. The new rules focus on increasing use of organs donated after cardiac death (DCD) and on making it easier for the living to donate. The proposed rule change would also increase the number of kidney donations and revamp kidney care.

  • Podcast: A multiclinic, multiemployee cash-based practice in record time

    Jarod Carter Sports & Fitness

    Brenda Heinecke knew she wanted to be a physical therapist since high school. She envisioned a peds focus for her career, but once she landed her first job after PT school, she knew it wasn’t a good fit. While looking for another job, she started doing some in-home therapy — and continued that even after she took a full-time job. In this interview, she candidly shares the details of how she made her dream of owning a cash-based practice into a reality.

  • Asbestos can be everywhere, so create a remediation plan

    Scott E. Rupp Facilities & Grounds

    Aging institutional and commercial facilities continue to present trouble for occupants, visitors, administrators, and facilities professionals. They produce a host of liabilities to everyone that enters to work, live, learn, or consume services at a given facility. One of the most prominent recent examples of these risks was a School District of Philadelphia building that was closed after asbestos damage was discovered inside. Asbestos is more than a local or regional problem, of course, and remains a thorn in the side of countless facility managers the world over.

  • 4 ways fully connected plants benefit your workforce

    Tipton Loo Manufacturing

    Nearly 50 years ago, a few caffeine-dependent students in Carnegie Mellon's computer science department built a light sensor and software to sense the availability of cold soft drinks in a Coke vending machine and connected it to the ARPANET, where they could see the status remotely, giving birth to the "internet of things." But few could have predicted how widespread the technology would become. It's only a matter of time before the internet of things transforms the industrial sector as well.

  • Ethology and veterinary practice: Ethology- vs. problem-based behavioral…

    Dr. Myrna Milani Pet Care

    Despite the growing concern about the limitations of the problem-oriented approach and the restrictive thinking it fosters, most people take a problem-oriented approach to their companion animals’ behavior. They focus on the problem instead of the on bigger picture. This variation on the theme of silo-thinking may make getting a comprehensive ethology-based history difficult when perceived companion animal behavior problems arise.

  • Are neighbors friends or foes? Assessing the agglomeration effect for Airbnb…

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Recent research suggests that Airbnb listings are usually found in popular locations such as tourist attractions and points of interest. When more Airbnb listings are located in the same neighborhood, the competition will become more intense. Intense competition can be harmful to businesses, especially when they enter a price war. If that’s the case, why would Airbnb hosts choose to operate their short-term residential rental businesses in a neighborhood with already existing listings?