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How to use Google’s featured snippets to boost your digital marketing…
Lisa Mulcahy MarketingWhen it comes to your brand's ranking in a Google search, you're most likely focusing your efforts on getting the top ranking in search results. In reality, gaining "featured snippet" status can be much more beneficial to your marketing efforts. So, what's a featured snippet? It's the "answer box" that is located at the very top of a Google page and directly answers a question posed in searches. That spot will create colossal exposure for your brand. While Google does determine which sites are chosen to be featured snippets, there are ways you can greatly improve the likelihood of becoming one.
When a pandemic tests us in healthcare
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcarePandemics regularly challenge the global healthcare system. SARS certainly taught us some lessons, as did the H1N1 outbreak. Enter, stage left, the 2019-20 coronavirus. As this current viral threat circulates around the world — mostly via those who have recently been to the Wuhan area of China — the World Health Organization (WHO) is grappling with public relations, epidemiology, containment and quarantines, travel restrictions (and some outright bans), as well as deciding whether this is truly a pandemic or not.
Single women homebuyers are a growing market niche
Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesWomen have long been the primary client — or in the case of couples, the primary decision-maker — for residential interior design services. Due to some recent demographic trends, a new subgroup of potential women clients is emerging — the single homebuyer. As might be expected, these homeowners have different priorities for what they want in a home and how they want it to function. Although overall women still earn substantially less than men, as a group they are making inroads into higher-paying, traditionally male-dominated fields.
CBD trend for food, beverage shows no signs of slowing, despite legality…
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageThe cannabidiol (CBD) industry is witnessing phenomenal growth, and this is expected to continue through 2020 and beyond. CBD oil and other topical products, which are said to relieve pain and insomnia and reduce stress and anxiety, are growing in sales, though these claims are mostly unproven. In the food and beverage space, CBD-infused coffee, brownies, cookies, and other food items are rapidly expanding. However, the absence of clear federal guidance has raised consumer safety concerns.
Airlines get serious about jet lag relief
Lark Gould Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementWhile some airlines, such as Virgin Atlantic and JetBlue, are bringing out the music and mediation amenities to help passengers get the sleep they need as they fly across time zones, United Airlines is offering its loyalty fliers a free app that empowers passengers to get ahead of their jet lag. The app recommends sleep times, caffeine intake and times for light exposure for the quickest ways to adjust to new time zones.
Workplace fatalities are at their highest levels since 2008. What’s…
Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementIn December 2019, the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics released workplace injury data from 2018. There were 5,250 fatal workplace injuries, which represents a 2% increase over 2017. This is also the highest amount since 2008, and it should be noted that from 2009-15, workplace fatalities were in the 4,500 to 4,600 range. Two particular causes of workplace fatalities increased significantly. Deaths from unintentional overdoses as a result of nonmedical consumption of drugs or alcohol while at work increased 12%. Work-related suicides increased by 11%.
How Greece is improving its airports for the future
Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & AutomotiveIn Greece, a sweeping range of airport improvements and upgrades has just been approved by way of two major projects that will see a huge investment in the country's largest and busiest airport, and a brand-new airport for one of the country's main tourist destinations. Athens Eleftherios Venizelos International will celebrate its 20th anniversary next year, having opened in March 2001 to replace the older, crowded Ellinikon Airport. Now, in work estimated to cost around €700 million, the airport will be given space to grow and handle the expected future numbers of passengers and movements.
Transplant community offers widespread support for proposed federal rule…
Chelsea Adams Healthcare AdministrationChanges to federal policies governing living organ donors have widespread support among organ procurement agencies. The changes allow living organ donors to be reimbursed for missed work and the cost of child care. "These are bold steps that are going to have an immediate and lasting impact on our ability to serve patients who are on waiting lists," Dr. Seth Karp, director of the Vanderbilt Transplant Center and surgeon-in-chief of Vanderbilt University Medical Center, told Modern Healthcare magazine.
Infographic: The people and tech behind data science
Brian Wallace Science & TechnologyBetween 2011 and 2012, job listings for "data scientist" increased 15,000%. "Data science" might be a buzzword, but it isn’t a new idea — in fact, it has been on a journey to the mainstream for almost three centuries. By 2025, 175 billion terabytes of data will be created every day. To understand and analyze the world's surging data, advanced tools are needed. Learn more with this infographic.
ADA amends policy in recognition of religious diversity in dentistry
Tammy Hinojos Oral & Dental HealthcareDiversity and inclusivity are increasingly top of mind for industries and corporations across the globe. Those are good things. American dentistry’s governing body, the American Dental Association (ADA), is no different in that regard. The organization recently made a move to be more inclusive to dental professionals with different religious beliefs and those with no religious affiliation at all. The ADA House of Delegates voted at its meeting last September to rescind the policy used by some state and local dental societies during their meetings.