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Reputation management: A key healthcare strategy that’s crucial to…
Lisa Mulcahy Healthcare AdministrationAs a practice administrator or physician, you know how important it is to earn and maintain your patients' trust. You no doubt work as hard as you can to deliver compassionate, quality care on a constant basis — yet you can't always control what is said about your practice online. You can, however, take steps to make the best impression possible. Reputation management is a key strategy for shoring up the way your practice appears online, especially when it comes to reviews — and it's crucial to maintain.
Eyes on the prize: Ideal leadership skills to harness for business growth
Indiana Lee Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWe’ve all seen it happen. A million-dollar business idea. An extraordinary product. A service like no other. But it just didn’t work. It seems like the company was shuttered before they’d even opened the doors. But why did it happen? And how can you protect your business from a similar fate? The simple fact is, no matter how great the product, a company is only as strong as its leadership. So, what are the skills you need to cultivate in your own leaders to help your business thrive for years to come?
The coronavirus threat to US education: Part 2
Patrick Gleeson EducationIn part one of this two-part series, I explained that the consequences of this pandemic for school funding will be severe. But for teachers, that's only one of several problems. For example, we don't know yet how many teachers will lose their jobs, but during the Great Recession of 2008 nearly 300,000 teachers (and support personnel) lost their jobs. Job losses in the coming pandemic-related recession will likely be at least this bad.
Survey: Consumers trust healthcare devices less than they once did
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcareU.S. citizens are showing less interest in digital health solutions, wearables, and mobile health apps, stalling an interest that was previously quite high. The number of consumers without any digital health solutions to manage their health is as high as one-third. Wearable technologies — those that collect health data — has decreased, too, from one-third (33%) in 2018 to less than 20% in 2020, according to a new survey from Accenture.
New ways to use hashtags in your social media marketing
Lisa Mulcahy MarketingAlmost everybody on social media uses hashtags, likely including your brand. But even though hashtags are ubiquitous, that doesn't mean they are always used most optimally when it comes to garnering the most attention. Your goals: make the most out of your wording; cover the right consumer communities; don't over- or undertag; and check your progress consistently to see how your efforts are playing. Here are the freshest, most creative, and most effective ways you should use hashtags to boost your marketing power right now.
Aviation outlook brings ‘fearless forecasts’ for 2020
Lark Gould Transportation Technology & AutomotiveWhile the world copes with the coronavirus, one company keeps a sobering forecast of the airline industry afloat with a vision that things will return to their more workable state in the near future. Based on pre-COVID-19 concerns, Avolon, an international aircraft leasing company headquartered in Ireland with offices in the United States, Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, recently issued a 2020 outlook paper on the aviation industry with some clear insights.
A glimpse at new sustainability trends for food and beverages
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageRising awareness of environmental issues has paved the way for sustainability-driven investment in all areas, including food and beverage. This industry, with its complex supply chains, is increasingly under scrutiny. Companies have to take into account a wide range of environmental and social issues like gender equality, equal pay, animal welfare, human rights, climate, and the safety of indigenous peoples as they plan for the future.
Downsizing comes to senior living
Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesMore is more has been the trend in senior living for many years — more variety, more choice, more activities, more open spaces, more gathering places. That trend is poised to reverse itself in the coming decade, believe some industry experts. Developments in technology and construction will make smaller spaces more attractive to aging baby boomers looking for a place to spend their later years.
You can’t be what you can’t see
Angela Cleveland Education"I fought really hard to get here," she said with tears filling her eyes. "I’m in my first internship and not only am I the only woman there, but I’m the only person of color. I don’t belong in this field." I sat across the auditorium, stunned by this statement from a fellow audience member. I was at a forum discussion about women in the computing workforce at Spelman College. I was shaken by what I was hearing. Was it possible that the number of women in computer science is really that imbalanced? Sadly, the answer is yes.
Comments are open for proposed hunting, fishing changes in Texas
John McAdams Recreation & LeisureThe Texas Parks & Wildlife Department (TPWD) Commission is considering a number of changes to hunting and fishing regulations in 2020. However, prior to making any decisions, the Commission wants input from constituents in Texas. Among other things, TPWD is looking at implementing rules to administer an automated process for issuing pronghorn and antlerless mule deer permits, decreasing the daily bag limit for scaup and goose, and changing the hunting seasons for goose and snipe.