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Reenvisioning our lives and world, post-COVID-19
Sheilamary Koch Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementAs days of social distancing turn into weeks, it's not a bad thing if overdoses of the news, scrolling through social media posts and funny cat videos feel increasingly hollow. Upheaval surrounding the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic has forced many to adapt, create new routines and be resilient. And although much remains outside our control these days, each day gives us opportunities to observe silver linings and forge new beginnings for our lives and world from this point forward.
Employees are a weak link in cybersecurity: How to protect your business
Daniel Markuson Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementEstimates show that 90% of corporate data breaches in the cloud happen due to hacker attacks that target employees, according to a report from Kaspersky Lab. With many of them forced to work remotely during the quarantine, companies are now more vulnerable than ever. Employee negligence is a great threat to business security. However, this particular risk is easy to control. There are many digital tools that can help protect organizations from data breaches.
How to make your livestream ads as effective as possible
Lisa Mulcahy MarketingLivestream video is exploding in terms of popularity and frequency of use. 2019 AudienceProject and eMarketer research found 60% of Americans who watch digital video do so on Facebook. Furthermore, numbers earlier this year from ReelnReel show that over 80% of people watch video content from a brand. As a digital marketer, you know the benefits of livestream advertising are plentiful — but how can you make your ad specifics as eye-catching, attractive and impactful as possible? Try these strategies.
Infographic: How smart cities can defend against pandemics
Karlyn McKell Science & TechnologyAs our world becomes smarter, so do our cities. Find out how futuristic urban planning can help defend against pandemics such as COVID-19.
Searching for COVID-19 treatments: The RECOVERY trial
Dorothy L. Tengler PharmaceuticalIn December 2019, with less than 500 confirmed COVID-19 cases worldwide, a small trial was initiated at the Jin-Tan Hospital to investigate whether anti-viral drugs would relieve the symptoms of COVID-19. The findings from this study will be part of the new Randomised Evaluation of COVid-19 thERapY (RECOVERY) trial, which provides a platform to evaluate about 20 treatments that are currently thought to have potential for treating COVID-19. The chief investigator in the RECOVERY trial will be Peter Horby, Professor of Emerging Infectious Diseases and Global Health in the Nuffield Department of Medicine at the University of Oxford, who was also part of the small trial in Wuhan. In contrast to the usual six to nine months for a trial to get started, the RECOVERY trial enrolled the first patient in nine days.
As virus peaks, so does the conversion of temporary hospitals
Scott E. Rupp Facilities & GroundsAmong the daily deluge of coronavirus-related news, a theme among the headlines is the abundance of temporary medical hospitals that continue to be developed. The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is leading these efforts, operating under the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). Convention centers, hotels, and other large-scale gathering areas continue to be evaluated as the virus ravages the nation, from hotspots such as New York City to the county's interior, like Kansas City.
Remodeling activity tapers off amidst economic standstill
Michael J. Berens Construction & Building MaterialsConcerns for health and safety as well as the economic uncertainty resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have brought about an abrupt reversal in remodeling activity in the past month. Several recent industry surveys show that between 70 to 90% of firms engaged in remodeling and renovation have seen a substantial decline in new business inquiries along with increasing numbers of client requests for project delays or cancellations. Nonetheless, many are hopeful business will return when living and working conditions improve.
The first and possibly last major match of the year: 2020 Superstition…
Joshua Fry Recreation & LeisureI've been a competitive shooter for almost eight years now and have participated in a wide variety of major and minor matches around the country across multiple shooting disciplines and organizations. I have shot through rain, snow, mud, blistering heat, and gale-force winds that batted long-range shots around like BBs. None of those compared to the unseen threat the coronavirus had on one of the largest and longest-running major matches in the country: the Superstition Mountain Mystery Match (SMM3G) in Phoenix, Arizona.
A look at the travel restrictions aimed to combat COVID-19
Bambi Majumdar Travel, Hospitality & Event ManagementThe Department of State has advised all U.S. citizens to avoid international travel. At the same time, the CDC has urged residents of New Jersey, New York, and Connecticut to refrain from domestic travel as much as possible. Almost all regions of the world are now experiencing COVID-19 outbreaks, which has rightly led most governments to issue strict travel advisories. Quarantines and border restrictions limit traveler mobility, even in places where cases have not been reported.
The retirement elephant in US classrooms
Patrick Gleeson EducationBy now, most Americans know that pension plans in this country have a problem — put simply, many and perhaps most pension funds don't have enough money to pay the pensions they've promised their retirees. The coronavirus has already deeply affected education in K-12 classrooms. Soon, it will also affect the pensions of K-12 teachers across the country. Here's why.