Recent Articles

  • 10 tips for reducing the risk of employment-related litigation

    D. Albert Brannen Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    This article offers tips for minimizing or avoiding employment-related liability. These tips apply even to employers who may not have enough employees to be covered by the major federal employment laws such as Title VII, the Americans with Disabilities Act or the Family and Medical Leave Act.

  • Failure to communicate: Learning lessons from Ornge

    Mark Huber

    In July, Ontario's coroner released the results of his long-anticipated investigation into 40 patient transport deaths between 2006 and 2012 at the Canadian province's troubled air ambulance service known as Ornge. Most of Ornge's travails have been well-publicized over the course of the last two years, and it is not my intent to rehash them here. Rather, I think it is useful to look at what the coroner said were gaps in decision-making and communications at Ornge because they are instructive in improving service in any EMS organization.

  • Too fat to fly: Effect of weight on air medical transport

    Mark Huber

    When is a medevac crewmember simply too fat to fly?

  • Is your association in the know?

    Michael J. Berens

    Knowledge is power, so the saying goes. But not all knowledge is power to all organizations. Knowledge for your organization is power only if it is actionable. Otherwise, it is just information. So the question to ask yourself is: Do we have the knowledge we need to make good decisions for our organization? Most associations thrive on knowledge work. No doubt you have a cornucopia of information sources at your disposal: news services, trade journals, newsletters, email, websites, social networking sites and Twitter feeds, along with your own data collection and feedback channels.

  • Why your website needs to work across multiple devices

    Mayur Kisani

    The majority of today's users consume media on multiple screens — smartphones, tablets and TV. From checking email to surfing to tweeting about a TV show or finding out about a product, your customers are mobile and spend a considerable amount of time on these screens, away from the desktop computer.

  • EMS helicopters? Not in my backyard

    Mark Huber

    NIMBY — the acronym means "not in my back yard." People are all for new power lines, airports, factories, windmills, oil wells and other things that benefit the public good — just not in their neighborhood. It's the height of democratic hypocrisy, and it's going on in my neighborhood right now.

  • Brew on this: Latest research on coffee’s connection to Alzheimer’s

    Dr. Denise A. Valenti Medical & Allied Healthcare

    As I stared into my morning cup of black coffee, trying to percolate into alertness, I received an email from a colleague alerting me to a recently published article about acetylcholinesterase inhibition. Some of the most commonly prescribed medications for Alzheimer's disease act upon the cholinergic system, inhibiting acetylcholinesterase.

  • Shale revolution in doubt — so what?

    Stefanie Heerwig

    No single day seems to go by without praises of the shale revolution. And no assessment of the oil market seems to work anymore without including the U.S. as a global supplier.

  • Just say no to MVFR

    Mark Huber

    Pilots by their nature are largely optimistic and dedicated to completing the mission, a trait that seems to be stronger in those who fly helicopter EMS. The reluctance to turn down a flight when a patient's life is potentially at stake, even when low clouds are moving in, and/or the temperature/dew point spread is narrowing, is understandable, even emotionally laudable. Life-savers are heroes after all. It is their job to fly into uncertain, dark skies. Wrong. By doing so they needlessly put their lives, the lives of their crew — and patients — at risk.

  • Make the most of your staff’s skills

    Michael J. Berens

    It was one of those "aha" moments. A staff member had received an email inquiry from a potential customer, but she was unable to help because the message was written in Spanish. Since I was the communications director, her supervisor stopped by my office to ask if I knew of any affordable translation services that could help decipher the message. As it happened, the colleague in the office next to mine overheard the conversation and called out that she might be able to help, as she had studied Spanish in school. However, she said, there were several other employees who were fairly fluent in Spanish. In a matter of minutes, and at no additional cost, the message was translated and a reply, in Spanish, was on its way.