Recent Articles

  • Physician assistants and interprofessional education

    Maria Frisch

    ​Physician Assistants go on to work in a variety of settings – many of which demand an ability to work with diverse sets of professionals. Those who engage in research will discover a culture of funding that necessitates working with an interdisciplinary group of professionals who bring different perspectives and approaches to a problem. Few physician assistants find a career path that limits their professional interactions to only other physician assistants.

  • Why liver transplant recipients should exercise regularly

    Joy Burgess

    Recent research on liver transplant recipients shows that patients have an increased risk of metabolic syndrome after the transplantation surgery. According to one study conducted by Eric R. Kallwitz, MD, a liver specialist from the Loyola University Medical Center, about 58 percent of patients develop metabolic syndrome after undergoing a liver transplant.

  • Plan your work and work your plan: 3 tips toward effective execution

    Adam C. Wright

    Leading a team and getting the job done is easier said than done. In today's market-driven economy where everything is about the bottom line, executives cannot afford to waste resources on personnel who do not know how to execute.

  • Kitchen trends 2013: The green kitchen

    Bambi Majumdar

    Like any other trend and fashion, how we look at the kitchen and what we want in it changes over time. Each change is greatly influenced by other factors in the age, the ornate for the periodic and minimalistic for the modern.

  • Big Pharma replaces innovation with acquisition

    Mike Wokasch

    Big Pharma (including Big Biotech) has executed about 130 mergers or acquisitions in each of the past couple of years. The overwhelming majority of deals designed to fill depleted Big Pharma pipelines with more novel and innovative technologies in later stages (closer to market) than their own R&D had been able to produce.

  • Raise a glass of beer — to your health

    Dr. Denise A. Valenti

    Despite the name, Oktoberfest traditional fall beer celebrations begin in September and extend into October. The biggest Oktoberfest beer bash is held in Munich and is considered to be the world's largest fair. This year — the 180th year the Oktoberfest has been held — will host more than 6 million people from around the world.

  • Job search: Finding a world-class sales organization

    Teresa Hiatt

    It’s getting close to the start of 2014, the economy shows signs of life, and businesses are cautiously beginning to release the pent-up demand for products and services. This is great news for salespeople, as companies will now begin trying to attract and employ good sales teams, ending a long dry stretch of hiring freezes.

  • Traveler or camper — Which are you?

    Michael Charland

    Recently a friend who is also a full-time RVer made a statement that I found interesting regarding types of RVers. “I am a traveler, not a camper,” she said. She was making the statement in her frustration at not getting good Wi-Fi service at an RV park. This got me thinking about the statement and what it means to RVers and the services they expect.

  • BYO: The new trend in media consumption

    Mitch Weinraub

    What started as a trickle seems to be turning into steady stream and may soon become a full-fledged flood. The newest Bluetooth speakers (such as the Logitech Z6000 and Moto DECK), Chromecast and the recently hinted (but not officially announced) update to Apple TV all have one thing in common, they allow multiple sources to easily connect and stream content. Basically, anyone can "bring your own" content.

  • Microfluidic systems for screening of aptamers

    Dr. Afsaneh Motamed-Khorasani

    ​Systematic evolution of ligands by exponential enrichment (SELEX) is a method to screen the nucleotide ligands from a large library of nucleotide sequences. Aptamers are the nucleotide ligands selected by SELEX method and can be easily and inexpensively produced. Chemical modification and integration into different analytical methods is also easy with aptamers.