Recent Articles

  • Taking the good with the bad in travel

    Cindy Belt Recreation & Leisure

    Recently, I was looking at some of my favorite travel pictures that decorate the walls of our house. I realized that many of them bring memories of great times along with a story about a struggle. We travel to experience new things and hopefully have some great times. However, our experiences may also be quite challenging. It is the thought of the challenge that we overcame that makes for the best story and sometimes the best pictures.

  • Infographic: How to survive a layoff or furlough during the COVID-19 pandemic

    Brian Wallace Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Becoming unemployed due to a layoff or furlough can be an unsettling event that can cause a wide range of emotions. Understanding your options and making the right financial decisions during this period of time can help you successfully navigate through this challenging period in your life. This infographic outlines both the prevalence of layoffs as well as how to apply for unemployment benefits and eventually get back to work.

  • Nurses: The professional progeny of Florence Nightingale

    Keith Carlson Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Florence Nightingale, the founder and progenitor of the modern nursing profession, lit a spark several centuries ago that burns within millions of nurses to this day. The lamp that she literally — or metaphorically — lit during the Crimean War continues to illuminate nurses’ paths forward, and her legacy is one that strengthens with age as her offspring continue to advance the profession. And in difficult times such as the current coronavirus pandemic, nurses fight the good fight around the clock.

  • Critical concepts in distance learning for multilingual learners

    Erick Herrmann Education

    The current state of affairs has caused a shifting tide from face-to-face instruction to online learning and out-of-the-classroom learning through online platforms; apps; paper packets being sent home; letters and communications; and other creative means to keep students learning. Educators have done a phenomenal job all over the world in transitioning to remote learning and are working diligently to meet the needs of each student in their classes. But for emergent bilingual and multilingual students, many issues have arisen in terms of meeting their instructional needs.

  • US payrolls plunge by 20.5 million jobs; unemployment climbs to 14.7%

    Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Attempts to contain COVID-19 led the U.S. economy to shed 20.5 million nonfarm jobs in April versus March's employment loss of 701,000. April's unemployment rate spiked to 14.7% from 4.4% in March. In April, job losses hit all sectors, notably hospitality and leisure payrolls. "Today's report is more than ten-fold worse than the previous all-time high of 1.95 million job losses in September 1945,” Andrew Stettner, senior fellow at The Century Foundation, said in a statement.

  • Quantifying undetected cases of COVID-19: The pandemic serum sampling study

    Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    A new study at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, has been initiated to determine how many adults in the U.S. without a confirmed history of COVID-19 infection have antibodies to the virus. This is a serosurvey, and researchers will collect and analyze blood samples from an estimated 15,000 participants (18 years of age and older) who have not had a confirmed history of COVID-19 or current symptoms in an endeavor to provide critical data for epidemiological models.

  • 5 ways to improve productivity in video meetings during the pandemic

    Sam O'Brien Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    For many people, working from home seems like a dream situation. It does, however, come with unique challenges. These challenges are even more noticeable thanks to the current situation regarding COVID-19 and not being able to conduct face-to-face, in-person meetings. Many of us are plunging headfirst into a new mode of working with no preparation. Thankfully, there are some easy ways to improve your productivity during video meetings at this time.

  • Infographic: Trusting remote workers amid the new normal

    Brian Wallace Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Remote work has become the new normal for many workers. Unfortunately, this uncharted territory has caused many managers to become overzealous. This infographic outlines the psychology behind why it's so important to trust remote workers.

  • When someone is dying, what can we do?

    Lisa Cole Medical & Allied Healthcare

    In the throes of the uptick of the COVID-19 pandemic, my son sent me a text from a colleague of his lamenting that while thousands are and will be dying, the public is only hearing from scientists, politicians and economists. He implored experts grounded in the humanities speak directly about death before it arrives. My kid said, "Mom, do it." And proceeded to ask me a question that ripped my heart right open. "What if I had been healthy last week and today I am dying. I'm still coherent; what would you say to me? It's happening to people everywhere."

  • Don’t allow email burnout to push your buttons

    Bob Kowalski Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    We've used email so long that it’s become second nature, and it's hard to remember when we didn't have an inbox to check. It's gone from a secondary function on our desktops to a constant source of information, connection and maybe distraction, from our desktops to our tablets and our phones. Now that so many people work remotely, email has proven its value as much as it ever has. Even the notifications for the rapidly growing number of video conferences come via email. But there's no need for you to suffer email burnout.