Recent Articles

  • The costs of holding inventory in the paper industry

    Jeff Ell Manufacturing

    When working with our customers, we've noticed that the concern about how to handle inventory is often spoken about at the last minute before things are final. We have also found inventory holding costs are often misunderstood by a wide margin in the paper industry.

  • Fixing the gender gap in nursing pay

    Keith Carlson Medical & Allied Healthcare

    ​For decades in the United States, there has been keen awareness that women earn less than men in a wide range of industries. According to the Institute for Women's Policy Research, full-time female workers earned 78 cents on the dollar as compared to their male counterparts in 2013. So-called "pay parity" has long been on the minds of many stakeholders, but the rate of change in this regard has been woefully slow.

  • Tax on junk food may ignite new health trend

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    At the start of this month, a Native American community enacted a landmark decision to fight obesity and diabetes, two of the major reasons for death in America today. In recent years, multiple states and cities have attempted to boost public health by enforcing a soda tax — and they have failed. In 2014, Berkeley, California, was one of the rare examples to successfully pass a soda tax measure. The results of that decision are still being rated.

  • Peer-review scandals shake up scholarly journal community

    Cait Harrison Association Management

    ​Call it a new form of academic cheating. Peer reviews for scholarly journals have come under the spotlight lately — and the future isn't looking so bright. U.K.-based publisher BioMed Central recently retracted 43 scientific and medical articles because of peer reviews — mostly out of universities in China — written by people who forged scientists' names.

  • What if you can’t afford predictive analytics in your budget?

    Peter Moloney Marketing

    Twenty years ago, if retailers wanted a marketing piece to look good, they had to go to a professional graphics service to get it typeset and then a printer to get it printed. Now, everybody can do it on a PC. But then again, you can now use purpose-built templates to make your own just-about-anything — great-looking marketing pieces, websites, emails, you name it. In other words, you can go a long way for a lot less time and money these days.

  • 5 steps to prep for that tough job interview

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    You made it past the thousands of others jockeying to get an interview for your dream job, and the big day is approaching. Odds are what got you in the door is not enough to get you the offer.Fortunately, preparing is easy if you remember that interviewers really just want to hear three things.

  • Who said the road to EMR documentation compliance would be easy?

    Barbara Aubry Healthcare Administration

    ​I am a registered nurse, but my official title now is regulatory analyst. Like many clinicians, I began my career in the hospital. Along the way, I veered from a clinical focus to regulatory compliance. I moved to case management, which led to quality assurance and utilization review. Here I was faced with the task of understanding healthcare documentation in a new way and determining if it was in compliance with myriad regulations.

  • Spring cleaning for effective church communications

    Mark MacDonald Religious Community

    ​Spring. It's finally here! For most of the country, the winter seemed to linger. But now that warmer temperatures have started to blow in, spring fever starts to bite. After the winter, everything seems to need cleaning, doesn't it? I know my truck is in need of a polish. But how about your church communications?

  • 4 steps to empowering your staff to manage their budgets

    Deborah Ike Religious Community

    Does your team complain about filling out purchase requests? Do they wonder why you told them they couldn't rent that huge inflatable or buy that new software? If so, it's probably time to pull back the curtain and show them the budget. If you want ministry leaders who will take ownership of their departments and be excellent stewards of their resources, then give them responsibility to manage their budget.

  • The 4 C’s of 21st century learning for ELLs: Creativity

    Erick Herrmann Education

    In this last article of the series, creativity and innovation will be discussed — with a particular emphasis on English learners. Creativity and innovation have been linked to job creation over the past decade. The rise of technology and other emerging industries rely on creativity: the ability to think outside of the box and unconventionally, to question assumptions and standard ways of doing things, and to imagine new products and solutions to problems.