All Communications Articles
  • Looking to land classier clients? Follow the formula

    Fred Berns Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    In their quest to work with higher caliber clients, many small businesses play "follow the leader." They'd be much better off playing "follow the formula." You're unlikely to succeed if you copy the leaders in your field in your efforts to connect with more affluent clients. Marketing and networking exactly like other companies won’t help you get the results you want. That's because you make a great you, but a lousy somebody else. You'll have a far better chance of establishing long-term relationships with blue chip buyers if you implement this five-step formula.

  • Growing the muscles of communication in healthcare

    Keith Carlson Medical & Allied Healthcare

    In most every aspect of healthcare, communication is key to positive patient outcomes, stellar teamwork, and the seamless operation of organizations and facilities of every size and type. A Tower of Babel scenario in a healthcare-related circumstance is never acceptable. How, why, and when we grow our individual and collective muscles of discourse and conversation are of utmost importance. If you, your colleagues, your leaders, or your employing institution itself are lacking in this regard, it's not too late to change that calculus for the better.

  • Why board size matters

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    The board table was set for 30. At each director's place there was a board packet and name tent card. When the meeting convened, there were 12 empty seats. Nearly half of the directors did not show up. They addressed the problem by reducing the size of a quorum from 50 to 40 percent, or only 12 people. In a different scenario, an association rented a convention center for the board meeting. The directors numbered more than 200. The things that matter the most about board size are governance efficiency and producing desired results.

  • Strategies to embed social-emotional learning in schools

    Brian Stack Education

    In an EdSurge article, Giancarlo Brotto makes a strong case for why the future of education depends on social-emotional learning (SEL), which he sees as a critical indicator to predict college and career readiness. He writes, "social and emotional abilities are said to be indicators of how well a person adjusts to his or her environment, adapts to change and, ultimately, how successful she or he will be in life." Student affect and SEL are important skills and dispositions that schools must find consistent, deliberate ways to assess. As schools think about college and career readiness, they must know that the critical competencies for success are evolving.

  • How HR can help with board diversity

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    When employees sitting around the table come from different backgrounds, generations and gender, opinions and approaches tend to vary. Those differences can spur creative conversations, unique solutions and lead to a competitive advantage. However, it is often difficult for any company to create more diversity when they have not actively pursued it in the past. HR can help address this need from the front line up to the boardroom — here's how.

  • How to improve Google Ads for your e-commerce business

    Emma Fitzpatrick Marketing

    Just like we were talking about recently, knowing the latest features of each digital marketing channel makes all the difference. That’s especially true on a platform where you’re paying for users' attention. When was the last time you did a deep dive into Google AdWords? The average small business spends between $100,000 and $120,000 a year on Google paid search campaigns, while giant retailers can spend up to $50 million dollars a year, according to WordStream data. Regardless of how much you spend, each retailer pays between $1 and $2 for a click in a Google Ad.

  • 10 church communicator personalities: Check the mirror for yours

    Mark MacDonald Religious Community

    I've always been fascinated by people. In fact, my college psychology courses established the understanding that we mostly tend to do similar things while being resistant to changing our ways. Accountability meetings declare that understanding and recognition are huge steps towards improvement. From decades of working with comms, here are the personalities I see.

  • 4 inexpensive ways to motivate your team through a long project

    Deborah Ike Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    When you're on a long project, it's easy to get lost in the drudgery of a seemingly never-ending to-do list. Celebrating the completion of the project might be a year away. If you're not diligent to avoid it, your team may soon become weary of the project. This impacts team morale and can derail productivity. One way to keep the team motivated is to celebrate milestones completed along the way. Whether it's finishing a tough Agile sprint or writing the last of the test scripts, a little celebration is in order.

  • Saying no when you think you should say yes

    Roberta Matuson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    I was on vacation last week and reluctantly dragged myself through a museum because others told me that this was something I couldn't miss. If you've ever attended an event because you were told you must go to or ate at a particular restaurant because everyone else was going, then you know exactly how it feels to do something out of obligation. Of course, no one was holding a gun to my head. I could have chosen to spend my time elsewhere. I see the same type of behavior with clients that I work with.

  • How to use the Seesaw app in your music room

    Aileen Miracle Education

    Are you looking for an app to both assess students and communicate with parents? Seesaw is one of my favorite apps. I heard about Seesaw a couple years ago and had it installed on my iPads, but it wasn't until this past spring that I was finally able to check it out. Seesaw is known for being a great advocacy tool because parents can see what's going on in the music room. Whether you post a snapshot of a student's completed worksheet, a video of him/her singing, or a video of the entire class performing, it can be a fabulous way to communicate with parents.