All Business Management, Services & Risk Management Articles
  • The last mile: Logistics’ final frontier meets gig culture

    Delany Martinez Distribution & Warehousing

    Logistics and supply chains are excellent models of efficiency, moving huge cargo containers of everything imaginable across cities, countries, and even oceans with unimaginable speed. They have a very unusual Achilles' heel, however: Main Street, USA. The so-called "last mile" conundrum has stumped otherwise perfectly tuned systems, confronting them with routes and infrastructure that simply aren't designed to handle the demands of frequent shipments.

  • Is your small business making YouTube videos yet?

    Mashaal Ryan Marketing

    YouTube videos are a great way to get more traffic to your website and social media. If you have an online business, it will help show off your products and services easier, so that your customers are not quite as wary of buying online. If you have a local business, you can now create buzz for your company easier as well as adding the videos into your sales pitch. Are you still unsure of whether YouTube is a good idea? Let’s look at some examples of how successful some businesses can be on YouTube.

  • Simple changes we can expect to see in workplace environments

    Scott E. Rupp Interior Design, Furnishings & Fixtures

    The death of the cubicle may have been long-predicted, but it seems its demise is getting closer. The workspace continues to change, and rather than cubing employees, efforts are being made to make work environments more open, livelier and more technologically savvy. Traditional workspaces, if not dying, are evolving dramatically, driven by the wants and desires of younger employees — millennials and Generation Z — who are dramatically influencing office design. What else are we going to see in the near term in regard to office design?

  • A better way to explain the job to candidates

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Retention is directly related to new employees having a clear understanding of the position upon hiring. Candidates who ultimately succeed can hit the ground running because they are doing exactly the job they thought they were going to within the environment they expected. Conversely, those who experience a significant disconnect start off behind the curve and can have a hard time getting in sync with the leadership and their team. This problem can be minimized by incorporating a better way to explain the job to candidates.

  • Give your team a motivational makeover

    Lisa Mulcahy Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Want your staff to run like a well-oiled machine on that new project? The key to making that happen is to whip up some good old-fashioned group enthusiasm. You need to stress the importance of true team spirit, so that your workers help each other help your organization. The result: each person is motivated to work to the best of their ability at the exact same time — and everyone enjoys doing so. Research is here to help you get your group enthusiastically in sync. Try these scientifically-tested tips.

  • Negotiating commercial leases: Subletting your commercial space

    Dale Willerton and Jeff Grandfield Retail

    For many commercial tenants, negotiating a good lease or lease renewal against an experienced agent or landlord can be a challenge. While an entrepreneur focuses on marketing and managing, savvy real estate agents and brokers are specialized salespeople. Their job is to sell tenants on leasing their location at the highest possible rental rate. Whether you are leasing a new location for the first time or negotiating a lease renewal for your business, here are two money-saving tips.

  • Why it’s important for leaders to admit their mistakes

    Simma Lieberman Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Having worked with leaders in organizations who value inclusion for over 20 years as an adviser and facilitator, I’ve developed a list of behaviors that are crucial for leaders who want to expand and sustain their influence. Relevant to today and every other day is acknowledging and taking responsibility for past, present and future actions that have negatively impacted others. We talk about courageous leadership, and it takes courage to admit you’ve made a mistake, a wrong decision or hurt another person in some way.

  • Price positioning on Airbnb: Are multi-unit hosts revenue pros?

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Room-sharing websites not only want more travelers to use their service to book a stay as travelers but also want more people to list the underutilized space on their platforms as hosts. They want to help hosts gain more profits over time, allowing them to attract additional hosts and keep their existing hosts happy. Before we can make any recommendations to the hosts and room-sharing websites regarding their pricing strategies, it becomes essential for us to find out whether the pricing strategies of price positioning and dynamic pricing are helpful in increasing a listing’s revenue performance.

  • How to effectively combine SEO and PR in your marketing campaign

    James Scott Marketing

    Modern technologies transformed the world of the marketing and made it more sophisticated. Today, every company that struggles to grow its online presence should utilize both search engine optimization (SEO) and PR tools. If you apply them in a right way, they will take your company to the next level. If you wonder how to combine SEO and PR to boost your marketing efforts, check the following information.

  • Heating industry turns up the temperature on PLC cybersecurity

    Joseph Zulick Science & Technology

    How important is cybersecurity for programmable logic controllers (PLCs) in today's industrial settings? Merely a matter of national security. Consider this: in 2016, the NATO nations officially recognized cyberspace as a domain of warfare. In geopolitical terms, a cyberattack is now as actionable as a naval attack. Within industrial and commercial settings, cyber malice is a frequently seen as a leading threat, and likely a permanent one. As first brought to global attention by the Stuxnet attack in 2010, PLCs are a tempting target for malice.