All Transportation Technology & Automotive Articles
  • Snow and floods: How cities can prepare roads and bridges

    Ryan Clark Transportation Technology & Automotive

    ​Winter arrived late for the Northeast this year, as Winter Storm Stella dropped roughly 3 to 5 feet of snow on parts of the region last week. While many cities were spared the worst of the storm, others felt the full brunt, proving how preparation for major storms can make all the difference between a city that is still operable and one that is totally incapacitated.

  • Urban challenge: How can cities manage diversity?

    Lucy Wallwork Civil & Government

    To return to the much-quoted doyenne of urbanism Jane Jacobs, "cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody." Faced with unprecedented levels of globalization and integration, urban planners and city managers are now under pressure to take into account a much broader range of perspectives and priorities as they refashion our urban spaces. Thus, managing diversity is our fifth and final urban challenge.

  • Amelia Island events are equal parts friendship and competition

    Sydney Scrogham Transportation Technology & Automotive

    Porsche. The name is known in competition, but Amelia Island wanted it to be known more for friendship. Amelia Island, Florida, held many big events last weekend, but we're focusing on two — the Werks Reunion on March 10 and the Concours d'Elegance on March 11. While the Concours is about finding the best of the best, the Werks Reunion brought people together primarily to build a story around a car based on something other than the cleanest Porsche on the block.

  • HAI Air Medical Services Committee grapples with drones in their zones

    Julie Bernhard Medical & Allied Healthcare

    It’s a bird, it’s a plane…no…it’s a drone. What was once a popular theme song for a famous superhero is now signifying another mysterious object in the sky, concerning many EMS helicopter operators and air medics industrywide. At a recent meeting of the HAI Air Medical Services Committee at the 2017 HAI Heli-Expo in Dallas, the group convened to talk publicly about current safety issues, with drones taking front and center.

  • Get ready to pay more to improve US airports

    Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & Automotive

    Airports and airlines across the United States have been reacting to a new bill put forward by Congress that could increase ticket prices, as a passenger fee cap is lifted for the first time in over 15 years. Passenger Facility Fees (PFC) are a common way for airports and their operators to raise revenues on top of charges to airlines for every passenger passing through them, whether inbound or outbound. Under the new terms put forward by Congress, airports would be allowed to set their own PFC in accordance with their needs.

  • How long will you keep your Porsche?

    Noelle Talmon Transportation Technology & Automotive

    In 2015, people owned their new cars an average of six-and-a-half years, a full two years longer than in 2006. The average age of cars currently on the road is about 11.5 years old, IHS Automotive reported. By 2020, that number is expected to increase 15 percent. People are holding on to their cars longer because they are much more reliable than they were in the past. So, are Porsche owners also keeping their cars longer?

  • Urban challenge: Cities and climate change

    Lucy Wallwork Civil & Government

    When it comes to climate change, cities occupy the role of both hero and villain. On the one hand, cities consume over two-thirds of global energy and are responsible for 37-49 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. On the other, cities are also a key part of the solution. Even when it must happen without support at the federal level, cities are taking action on climate change.

  • Meeting Porsche’s ambassador of desire

    Pablo Deferrari Transportation Technology & Automotive

    "A Porsche," Michael said,"is a car you don't need ..." 200 milliseconds before he'd finished his sentence, I thought of at least 36 reasons why I did. " ... it's a car you want." There it was. Possibly the single-most illogical reason why people walk through the glass doors into a showroom full of 911s, 718s, Panameras, Cayennes and Macans. Michael illustrated an example.

  • Pressure mounting for new Sydney airport deal

    Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & Automotive

    The saga surrounding the construction of a new airport in Sydney, Australia, has continued to unfold over the past week, as pressure has been placed on the developers to confirm their plans, and the government has been asked for money to ease the burden. The new airport for Sydney is to be constructed at Badgerys Creek, to the west of the city. The Australian government has a target of 2026 to have the facility operational and open to flights in a bid to ease congestion at the existing Kingsford Smith Airport.

  • My favorite mechanic

    David Newton Transportation Technology & Automotive

    "You really have to see my doctor, he’s the best." The reason we feel free to endorse our physicians is that we have faith in in their competence. After all, if we did not, it might call our personal judgment into question. Think about that the next time you ask for a recommendation for a medical professional. I think this applies to the mechanics we choose as well.