Organizational change happening? Don’t forget your bylaws
William D. Pawlucy Association ManagementBylaws are a set of rules that provide the framework for your organization, but they are sometimes overlooked when organizational change happens. Imagine an event that happens frequently that is a change to the membership structure of your association. After a strategic discussion, your board decides to add a new membership category that currently does not exist.
The keys to creating an ideal workplace culture
Greg Witz Business Management, Services & Risk Management"That's just how we do things around here." If you've ever found yourself on the receiving end of such a statement, you may be unaware of the company culture you've just encountered. Culture — positive or negative — is a hot topic in leadership circles these days.
After the board meeting: From table to execution
Robert C. Harris Association ManagementIt has been said that most actions fail to be implemented following a board meeting. How could this be when the commitments are documented in the minutes, consensus has been reached and assignments were made?
4 ways to ensure successful board presentations
Catherine Iste Association ManagementAs a consultant and board member, I have experienced board presentations from both sides of the table. During a recent round of first-quarter presentations, I was asked by a board to listen to the nonemployee presenters and produce guidelines for future presentations.
Coalition Building 101: How to look intelligently at a merger or partnership
William D. Pawlucy Association ManagementIn a two-year period, the Foundation Center logged in a total of 679 coalitions/collaborations, with 499 of these in the area of developing, offering and delivering projects, programs and services between two or more organizations. That is nearly 500 of these types of collaborations in only two years.
Is it time for a governance makeover in your organization?
Robert C. Harris Association ManagementHow long does it take a member to communicate a problem or idea to reach a satisfactory resolution in your organization? Does it enter the governance pipeline only to be delayed, lost or unresolved? As nonprofits struggle for relevance, the governance structure should not be the root of the problem.
The ‘full’ keys to leadership
Betty Boyd Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWhat is a leader's purpose? Does he or she sit in their office and let the team or organization run itself? What must a leader do to be fully engaged in being a leader? It starts with attitude. John Maxwell states, "...the attitude of a leader affects the atmosphere of the office." It is how you handle yourself and a situation.
Embracing change in business
Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementRegardless of industry or title, the one thing we all have to understand is the nature of change. In government, defense and law enforcement, sometimes it feels that change happens too slowly and we blame the bureaucracy and red tape. Oddly though, if something big happens externally, somehow our previously bureaucratic organizations seem to be able to respond quickly with new initiatives. Conversely, in the private sector, waves of words like entrepreneurial and innovation have inspired our CEOs to want organizational cultures that support and even create change. What skills and characteristics can we learn or embrace to be ready of the many faces of change?
Putting a value on values
Michael J. Berens Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementAs individuals and organizations we cannot function without trust. It is the glue that holds relationships together. That's why in times like these it is crucial that you are vigilant in preserving and protecting your organization's integrity.
But I thought the board wanted this ...
Robert C. Harris Association ManagementHigh-spirited and eager-to-contribute board members often voice their ideas with enthusiasm and good intentions. With discussion, the enthusiasm for the idea increases. The conversation gains support as more people join in, giving the perception that the proposal is popular and worthy of support.
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