Are you in need of a course correction? Reflect on your purpose
Lisa Cole Mental HealthcareThis morning, while pondering "purpose," images of sailing swirled about me. I remember being caught "in irons" — trapped in a "No Go Zone," unable to bear away and begin sailing. I thought, too, of the Sirens, enchanting mythological creatures beckoning sailors off course; ultimately, to their demise. Is this not our life at times? We’ve all been there — stuck, lost, and in need of navigation. It’s easy these days to feel windstrewn; we seem to be buffeted at every turn. By reflecting on our purpose, we can relocate our North Star and course correct.
Groupthink: A danger to healthcare innovation
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcareIn the healthcare universe, we follow orders and policies and procedures because that is part and parcel of our clinical world’s rules. However, doing what you’re told can come at a price if you violate your own moral code and personal values or the orders have potential to cause harm to a patient. It can also feel the antithesis of evidence-based practice when you’re told to do something a certain way because "that’s the way we’ve always done it."
Report: Patients want more billing transparency, digital payment options
Scott E. Rupp Healthcare AdministrationA new report, the 2019 Healthcare Consumer Study, was commissioned by Cedar to identify trends in the financial experience for patients. Results show one-third (34%) of U.S. healthcare consumers say they have experienced a medical bill going into collections. However, most of these outstanding bills were not the result of astronomical statement amounts. For the most part, Cedar found, these bills in collection were the result of poor billing practices on the part of the practice or healthcare organization — or so patients thought.
How to boost pain management satisfaction scores at your hospital
Lisa Mulcahy Healthcare AdministrationAs a hospital administrator, analyzing patient comments regarding pain management is something you probably have to do. Yet, it's easy to overlook common issues that cause or increase pain for your patients. These could be issues your patients don’t even realize are causing them problems. Root out these problematic areas and implement solutions to make your patients more comfortable by utilizing this advice.
Podcast: The 7 most dangerous words in healthcare
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcareWhat are the seven most dangerous words in healthcare? In my universe, those seven words are "that’s the way we’ve always done it." Who are the people who resist change? They’re the ones who generally aren’t natural intrapreneurs or leaders. They’re more likely to be the people who just do their work and go home, with little investment in their careers or jobs. Such individuals may also be fearful of technology, which one would think is a stark difference between generations, but that’s not always the case — resistance can come from any nurse from any generation.
The blessing and burden of caregiving
Lisa Cole Medical & Allied HealthcareBeyond the breathless years of raising "typical" children, many of us find ourselves again in caregiving roles. What do we do when those we love won't die, grow up or leave and we must care for them? Some of us see caring for another as a burden; others see it as a blessing. Often, it's both. The attitude one takes may be culturally influenced. Living in Tanzania, I found older people there to be universally revered. The idea of putting a parent in a skilled nursing home was foreign to Tanzanians — there aren't any!
CBD: Beyond the hype
Victoria Fann RetailIs CBD going mainstream? It sure appears that way. I live in the Western North Carolina mountains near Asheville, and CBD seems to be everywhere. Every time I turn around, I see another store selling some form of the beloved remedy. In the midst of all the buzz and media frenzy, many of us are wondering: Is there really something to CBD? Or is it just the latest health craze that, like lots of fad diets and quick-fix remedies, will come and go?
5 ways to improve your pediatric patients’ hospital experience
Lisa Mulcahy Medical & Allied HealthcareAs a hospital administrator, you know your pediatric patients have much different emotional and physical needs than their adult counterparts. But even though you think you're working effectively to address those needs, you may miss the mark. It's key to encourage kids and their families to express what they want and need from your staff during a hospital stay — but it's also key to anticipate what they will make them feel comfortable, too. Use this research-driven advice to ace the task and earn high patient satisfaction marks.
Infographic: Is nanotechnology the future of medicine?
Brian Wallace PharmaceuticalNanotechnology has been used in medicine since 2001, but it's now being developed into something bigger. Ingestible capsules containing sensors, cameras, and more are already changing the face of medicine. By 2024, the global market for nanotech will exceed $125 billion. However, there are some ethical concerns about this futuristic field, and public sentiment is currently mixed regarding nanotech. This infographic outlines the advances in medical nanotechnology as well as where the industry is headed.
Deadliest, most common cancers get the least attention
Karen Selby Medical & Allied HealthcareCancer is one of the top five leading causes of death in the U.S. The American Cancer Society estimates 1.7 million new cases will be diagnosed and more than 600,000 people will die of the disease in 2019. Americans across the nation are responding to these alarming numbers, but the public and the federal government are focusing their concerns — and donations — on cancers getting the most publicity, not the ones killing the most people.
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