All Mental Healthcare Articles
  • What lessons did COVID-19 teach your healthcare organization? Use what…

    Lisa Mulcahy Healthcare Administration

    Every hospital administrator, physician and caregiver has been tested and changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. While the challenges your facility faced were no doubt huge and tremendously difficult, you and your teams can now take the lessons you learned while operating during COVID-19 to improve patient care to its highest degree — and you can innovate for the future through key steps that will ensure you’re prepared for anything. Use the following science-based advice for identifying and implementing the changes you need to offer your very best to your community.

  • Infographic: How to set work boundaries to avoid burnout

    Pia De Los Reyes Mental Healthcare

    With remote work being the new professional normal, it can be especially challenging to stay productive and separate job stress from our personal lives. When stress is high and maintained over a period of time, it can lead to burnout or a type of work-related stress that can have a myriad of negative effects on your health and productivity. Those experiencing burnout can suffer from fatigue and mental exhaustion, and it can also lower work performance and cause job dissatisfaction. Over time, burnout can increase your vulnerability to disease and even potentially cost you lost income because of unpaid sick leave or a missed promotion.

  • Celebrate the end of the school year with fun closing activities

    Savanna Flakes Education

    You made it! We all made it! What a year! Though my articles usually provide instructional strategies to support diverse learners, as this school year wraps up, it is only fitting that everyone stop and play the song "Celebrate" by Earth, Wind, and Fire. Please take a special moment to celebrate yourself, students, and our community of families. This school year was no ordinary year, full of unprecedented events and more. Before the school year wraps up, provide yourself and students opportunities to celebrate, appreciate the great times, and close with optimism.

  • Encouraging mental health awareness in the classroom

    Ginger Abbot Education

    Educators teach students about more than math and science. They also establish spaces where kids develop their social skills and learn more about themselves. It's a critical place for introducing topics surrounding mental health, but that might be tricky to integrate into lesson plans. If you're wondering how to encourage mental health awareness in the classroom, try these tips.

  • B2B tactic boosts high-value service lines

    Jeff Barasch Healthcare Administration

    While healthcare organizations are busier than ever due to the pandemic, their bottom lines have suffered. But hospitals and healthcare systems can offset the fiscal hit by leveraging their top revenue-generating clinical services. High-value service lines, even in competitive markets such as metro New York, have been setting themselves apart with precisely targeted, multi-faceted B2B marketing that incorporates specialty publications. Elite cardiology and ortho service lines have used high-impact journal-style publications to target referring physicians with a great deal of success.

  • Infographic: The art and science of storytelling

    Brian Wallace Mental Healthcare

    We all share stories every day through blogs, social media, and conversations with friends. Between Facebook and Twitter, nearly 1 billion posts are shared every day. Yet many believe they don’t have what it takes to tell your story. Your writing doesn’t have to be excellent to provide great benefits. Taking the time to develop a daily writing habit will benefit your physical and mental health.

  • It’s not perfectionism that’s hurting us. It’s our approach…

    Julian Reeve Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Finding a perfectionist that isn’t in some way proud to be one is like finding out you’ve won $100 million on the lottery. It’s not unheard of, but it’s rare! Why? Because perfectionists believe their strong work ethic, superior attention to detail, and ability to achieve more than everyone else puts them in a class above the rest. For the most part, they’re right! Numerous studies have shown that perfectionists outperform non-perfectionists, and there is an increasing belief that society’s largely negative portrayal of perfectionism now requires an update. But while these positive qualities of perfectionism continue to garner support, the negative aspects must not be ignored.

  • Infographic: Pandemic digital health trends you should know

    Brian Wallace Medical & Allied Healthcare

    The COVID-19 pandemic brought a rapid acceleration in digital health services and telemedicine. Much of the digital transformation in healthcare has been driven by patient expectations and has little to do with doctors' age or level of experience. Today, physicians are more likely to recommend health-related smartphone apps, fitness wearables and other technology to their patients. Many use social media to engage with and educate patients. In fact, 87% of doctors who are high digital adopters share educational videos with patients regularly.

  • ‘Impairment’ at work means more than just alcohol and other…

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    When describing "impaired" workers, there’s a tendency to limit this term to alcohol, opioids, or cannabis. But according to the National Safety Council (NSC), the definition needs to be expanded. And 93% of employers who responded to a recent NSC survey agreed that workplace impairment includes more than alcohol and drugs. First, we need to define workplace impairment. According to Claire Stroer, MPH, CHES, NSC Impairment Program Manager, workplace impairment impedes the ability to function normally or safely.

  • Infographic: Digital messaging and the future of healthcare

    Brian Wallace Medical & Allied Healthcare

    As people grow accustomed to messaging retailers, restaurants, and customer service agents, they’re beginning to expect the same from their doctors. Seventy percent of people want to communicate with their doctor through text messaging. The benefits of messaging for healthcare providers go far beyond convenience and patient satisfaction. Using automated reminders encourage patients to keep scheduled appointments, schedule follow-up care, and keep their prescriptions filled. These measures reduce costs for providers and improve patients’ health at the same time.