All Medical & Allied Healthcare Articles
  • Auto-generated email messages from EHRs can contribute to physician burnout

    Scott E. Rupp Healthcare Administration

    The time physicians spend on desktop medicine appears to be increasing compared to the amount of time they can spend with patients. The cause of this switch is the obvious current enemy of healthcare: electronic health record (EHR) documentation. In particular, it’s the emails generated by EHRs that are the problem. According to a new study, physicians' EHR inboxes are stuffed with system-generated messages on behalf of the electronic health records they are operating within their organizations, which can lead to job dissatisfaction and even burnout, Health Affairs reported.

  • Study: Cannabis use may help consumers avoid opioids

    Sheilamary Koch Pharmaceutical

    Cannabis use for symptom relief among recreational users may help diminish opioid consumption, promise results of a study published recently in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs. A staggering 88% of adults who had been taking opioids for pain relief reported that they had reduced or completely eliminated opioid use in favor of cannabis. The research was based on an anonymous survey of 1,000 adult-use-only cannabis dispensary customers conducted as part of a customer feedback program at two retail outlets of a Colorado cannabis dispensary organization.

  • Researchers: Preschoolers with pneumonia undergo needless tests, receive…

    Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Preschool kids with community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) are undergoing needless tests and receiving unnecessary antibiotics from emergency departments and outpatient clinics, according to the results of a new study. Accounting for approximately 1.5 million healthcare visits each in the United States, community-acquired pneumonia is one of the most common infections among the pediatric population. In 2011, the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society and the Infectious Diseases Society of America issued clinical guidelines for community-acquired pneumonia in children. Dr. Todd Florin and colleagues wanted to evaluate the effect of the guidelines.

  • Teachable moments through death

    Lisa Cole Medical & Allied Healthcare

    "So how can we possibly incorporate some of the contemplative care practices we learned at ‘Being With Dying’ into real-life clinical practice? There's absolutely no time," he bemoaned. He was the director of medical education at a large teaching hospital. He also worked there as an attending MD — with outstanding teaching accolades. I had given him a call after attending one of the earlier iterations of this professional training program for clinicians. "Let's see," I said as he challenged me with an invite to participate in ICU rounds.

  • US economy adds 224,000 jobs; unemployment rate ticks up to 3.7%

    Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    What a difference a month can make. In June, U.S. payrolls grew by 224,000 jobs, a sharp rebound from 75,000 new hires in May, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. June’s rate of unemployment ticked up to 3.7% from May’s 3.6%. The jobless rates for major worker groups, the number of long-term unemployed persons, and the labor-force participation rate remained nearly the same in June from May, the BLS reported. The June employment-to-population ratio was 60.6% for the fourth straight month.

  • The other Achilles tendinopathy

    Heidi Dawson Sports & Fitness

    When we discuss Achilles tendinopathies, we are very likely talking about mid-portion Achilles tendinopathies. This is a fairly common condition that most injury therapists will see on a regular basis. But don’t forget, there is a far less common form of the condition, known as insertional Achilles tendinopathy (IAT). Due to its rarity, how much do we actually know about this condition? Should we be treating these cases differently? Let’s find out!

  • STDs: A public health crisis

    Dave G. Houser Medical & Allied Healthcare

    It’s not exactly a topic for dinner-table conversation — but the often-unspoken reality is that sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are spreading at a frightening rate around the world. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), which refers to these diseases as sexually transmitted infections (STIs), nearly 1 million of them occur around the world every day. This is hardly a problem specific to poor, developing regions of the world. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the rate of reported STDs was the highest ever in the United States in 2017.

  • Trump administration makes another healthcare price transparency push with…

    Scott E. Rupp Healthcare Administration

    The Trump administration thorn may be officially piercing the side of hospital administrators. As a result of a recent executive order by President Donald Trump, they will be required to make information concerning their negotiated rates with insurers public. Providers and payers will be ordered to give patients estimates for out-of-pocket costs for procedures in advance of the procedure, according to the order. Trump signed the order June 24. The idea is that if people can shop around, market forces may drive down costs.

  • How to stop overnight communication errors at your hospital

    Lisa Mulcahy Healthcare Administration

    Overnight shift workers at your hospital face unique challenges when it comes to effectively consulting each other. These issues can impact patient safety. From the sleep-deprived intern trying to ask the right diagnostic questions to optimum consultations strategies, you want to make sure your staff is always communicating wisely and effectively. The good news: these science-proven strategies can help cut confusion, refocus concentration and ensure accuracy. Use these strategies to make your overnight policies foolproof.

  • Healthy eating at work: It may save your life

    Victoria Fann Food & Beverage

    Poor eating habits and work seem to go hand in hand. Just ask my sister. She’s worked in the corporate headquarters for a large retailer for the past 10 years. I asked her how easy it was to eat healthy there. She said that it depended on what level of healthy I meant, and broke it down into three levels.