Study: Female kidney donors have increased risk of preeclampsia
Chelsea Adams Medical & Allied HealthcareFemale kidney donors double their risk of developing preeclampsia during pregnancy, according to the results of a Canadian study published in the Nov. 14 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine. While preeclampsia can pose serious health threats to the mother and fetus, the condition is usually manageable, and most women had uncomplicated pregnancies following nephrectomies.
Survey: Cost trumps health for many Americans
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcareAs "Obamacare" is entering its second year of implementation, and open enrollment is currently upon us, Healthline — a provider of intelligent health information and technology solutions — has released the results from a new survey showcasing consumer's thoughts about the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and health insurance.
Research: Spinal cord injuries may cause brain degeneration
Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied HealthcareAccording to the National SCI Statistical Center, about 276,000 people in the U.S. currently live with spinal cord injuries, with about 12,500 new cases each year. Spinal cord injury (SCI) research usually focuses on damage to the spinal cord itself and rarely considers the effects of these injuries on the brain.
Have faith, early adopters: Telehealth’s time is finally here
Karen R. Thomas Medical & Allied HealthcareIn the tech world, the early-adoption phase of new software and devices is always filled with the anticipation and excitement of users wondering what the new technology will be like, how it will make life easier and how it might change the industry. People stand in lines for days waiting for the release of updated technology products.
Nurses in the news: As we speak up, the world is listening
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcareWith nurses rated by more than 80 percent of the American public as the most honest and trustworthy professionals in the United States in every Gallup poll since 2005, we nurses are in a golden position to leverage our voices for the good of the profession and society at large.
Where has all the money gone in healthcare?
Mike Wokasch PharmaceuticalHealthcare costs keep going up with fingers often pointed at drug companies. At the same time, the pharmaceutical industry has decades of success delivering safer and more effective drugs to prevent and treat diseases that previously accounted for debilitating sickness and often death.
The role of simulation in the reduction of medical errors
Joan Spitrey Medical & Allied HealthcareIf you have taken a CPR class in the last few decades, you are familiar with Resusci Anne, the manikin used for learning CPR. The first Anne was invented to provide life-like training in the 1960s, and her soft helpless face was to inspire the rescuer to want to help the "dead" person.
The top 5 exercises you should be doing
Heidi Dawson Sports & FitnessFew of us perform exercises regularly with the aim of preventing pain or injury. In fact, few of us perform any exercises regularly with injuries in mind — even ones we have previously been prescribed to help rehabilitate an old injury. Once the pain has gone, the exercises often stop.
A need for RNs: Heading off the nursing shortage
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareDespite the chatter about a nursing shortage, registered nurses are near the top of the list when it comes to employment growth, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. In the past decade, the average age of employed RNs has increased by nearly two years, from 42.7 years in 2000 to 44.6 years.
When bad things happen to good organizations
Mark Huber Transportation Technology & AutomotiveI recently spent several months looking into a rather baffling fatal helicopter accident. A well-trained pilot was flying a new helicopter outfitted with all the latest safety bells and whistles. The pilot worked for a top-rate organization that is a well-known industry innovator in safety management and perennially recognized for excellence by the Federal Aviation Administration.
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