All Marketing Articles
  • How to cultivate creativity and innovation in the workplace

    Sunny Dhami Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Creativity is something that many companies and employees strive for in the workplace. It is an opportunity for people to think differently and build skills in various areas. But creativity isn’t always something that comes naturally. It's something that requires teamwork and effort and may even involve a change in thinking altogether. But even with that thought, having creativity as part of a company dynamic is well worth implementing. Because originality leads to innovation. Here are some easy ways you can cultivate creativity and innovation in the workplace.

  • Podcast: Tips for hiring contractors on Upwork and Fiverr

    Jarod Carter Healthcare Administration

    Need help creating a compelling landing page or blog post? Maybe you’d like ongoing help from a virtual assistant, graphic designer, or website expert — but don’t know where to look. If the hassles of finding competent contracting help have led you to put off the search, it might be time for you to give Upwork and Fiverr a look. In this episode, Jarod Carter explain his favorite strategies for hiring contractors using Upwork and Fiverr. He shares his top tips for saving time and money as well as best practices for using these sites to outsource graphics, writing, programming, or other projects in your practice.

  • How to get started with Facebook Ads: Small business edition

    Brian Meert Marketing

    If you’re a small business owner who has struggled in the past with getting started with Facebook Ads, you’re not alone. Handling your social media marketing, especially when it comes to something with as steep of a learning curve as Facebook Ads, requires time, energy, and a certain depth of knowledge. Not every business owner has what is needed to create, monitor, and update ads. But if you don’t have an in-house ad team or the means to hire a professional contractor, you’ll have to add it to your list of must-do’s. Luckily, we’re here to help.

  • 7 big organizational benefits of remote work for employers

    Richard Conn Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Remote working may sound attractive to employees, but there are huge organizational benefits for employers, too. With 74% of professionals believing that remote working will become the new normal following the COVID-19 pandemic, it looks like its popularity isn’t going to end any time soon. So, how can you make it work for your business and reap the benefits?

  • Product configurator: The key to e-commerce personalization

    Brian Wallace Retail

    Personalization has been a potential promise of e-commerce since the early days of the internet. Since the dawn of the modern internet, the belief has been that getting a product down to a specific user’s need is beneficial, as it leads to greater loyalty and exceptional customer experience. There are four main approaches of how to handle customization. Learn more about those approaches and how the product configurator achieves a superior level of collaborative, high customization with this visual deep dive.

  • Audio marketing: From radio to Clubhouse

    Kristen Klepac Marketing

    Audio has substantially evolved since its early analog radio days, and today, it is an incredibly effective way to emotionally resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impression. In the past decade alone, there has been a continual upward climb of audio markets. As consumers look for ways to multitask or consume content on the go, podcasts, audiobooks, and streaming services are becoming more popular. As businesses learn about the power of audio, incorporating it into their marketing strategies will give voice to their brands and help them connect to customers through authentic conversations.

  • Why competition is good for you — and your legacy

    Alan Weiss Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    We all compete. And we do it much more frequently than we believe or admit to. We've all witnessed the bedlam that breaks loose when a plane lands and reaches the gate. The pilot signals with a bell that we can rise, and everyone leaps to their feet to access the overhead luggage. Our competition can reach cringeworthy levels. But not all of it is bad. When competition is overt, unabashed, unashamed, and focused, it can be good for your health, good for your soul, and good for the legacy you create daily. In effect, competition gives our lives meaning in six distinct ways.

  • COVID-19 accelerated change. How do you stay ahead moving forward?

    Philip Burns and William Putsis Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The COVID-19 pandemic was a catalyst that accelerated change in almost every industry. What used to take some companies five years to accomplish remarkably took them only five months during the pandemic. From at-home grocery retailing to working at home virtually, companies digitized their businesses and changed how they delivered services at unprecedented rates. While some companies were better positioned to deal with the challenges the pandemic presented, others struggled. Given this, consider three relevant questions for all business leaders in the context of their own organization and industry.

  • A look at how the restaurant business has shifted during the pandemic

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    It has been a whole year of pandemic craziness, bringing a wave of deaths, health issues, and unprecedented economic loss. While most industries suffered heavily, restaurants perhaps got the very worst of it. One major area of revenue for restaurants came from office workers during lunch or happy hours. Restaurants that cater to the office crowd have gone through a harrowing year. With many of their clienteles working from home for the past year, a significant portion of their business vanished into thin air. As fewer people go to a physical workplace now and in the future, some will have to rethink their entire business strategy.

  • Why your team is drowning in data instead of actionable insights

    Ruben Ugarte Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Your data follows a similar pattern to Moore’s law. It doubles every few months. You might not even see the doubling, but your team is experiencing the effects of this exponential growth. Drowning in data isn’t the goal of any company. Every executive wants to use data to make better decisions and drive business outcomes. So how do teams end up in the deep end of the pool without a floating device? There are four reasons why teams fail to get insights out of their data. Let’s examine each one.