The bathroom is the new kitchen
Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesLifestyle changes and new technologies have transformed the kitchen into the central hub of today’s home. That has driven a surge in kitchen remodels in recent years as home prices have risen, releasing pent-up demand among long-term owners and new buyers to upgrade and update their homes. As those kitchen projects get completed, homeowners planning to remain in their homes for the long haul are turning next to the bathroom as the space they most want to redesign.
If your interior design website is weak, it’s time for a tweak
Fred Berns Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesIs your website working? Is it attracting lots of visitors, lots of "buzz," and lots of business? If you are like most interior design professionals, you probably invested a hefty sum for your site. Are you getting a good return on that investment? Is it getting you the kind of projects and clients that you want and need? If not, it’s time for a tweak.
Life-stage transitions continue to shape housing market
Michael J. Berens Construction & Building MaterialsPredictions that aging baby boomers would flock to retirement havens or that millennials would split from the lifestyle patterns of their parents and grandparents and shun a suburban existence appear to have been premature. As recent market studies show — for both buyers and sellers — life-stage transitions, not cohort behavior, are having the greatest impact on the housing market. In fact, life-stage events often trigger the decision to sell or purchase a home, even more than economic conditions.
Designing for the deaf
Leslie LaskinReese Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesDeaf is a culture. Deafness is not seen in the deaf community as a disability but rather as a difference. It is not necessarily something to overcome as much as it is something to become part of. Deaf culture is rich in social behavior, tradition, values and history — and just like any culture, it has its own language.
Adulting: Millennials find the money struggle is more than real
Julie Bernhard RetailFailure to launch or an economic reality? According to a recent U.S. Census report, millennials are finding their transition into adulthood is not as seamless as their predecessors. The report indicates that not only are more millennials living with parents than spouses, but their incomes are significantly less as well.
Consumers conflicted about color
Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesDeep down in their hearts, consumers prefer brightly or boldly colored spaces. But when it comes to decorating their homes, they tend to opt for neutral tones. Interestingly, though, when shopping for a home, prospective buyers gravitate toward those with color and shun those with a lot of pale spaces.
Why climate change is personal for interior designers
Susan Mulholland Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesLast week, President Donald Trump withdrew the United States from the Paris agreement on climate change. We are now in the company of only two other major countries — Nicaragua and Syria — that are not a part of the agreement. This may be a political move by our president, but for many of us who have been working in the built environment, it's personal.
Building the steps to design career success
Lloyd Princeton Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesSome days it's all you can do to keep up your demanding workload. It goes on day after day, until one day you lift your head up over your cubicle partition and realize you've been stuck in the same place for months, perhaps years. What happened to those dreams you had when you started your design career? They haven't vanished. In your effort to excel at your current job, you've inadvertently stopped pursuing them. Time to get back on track.
Housing activity softens, but outlook remains positive
Michael J. Berens Construction & Building MaterialsAcross the board, housing activity weakened in the month of April as markets readjusted following brisk business in March. With consumer confidence and housing demand both high, one might have expected April's indicators to show an upward trend. Challenges in both the construction and real estate sectors, however, have resulted in a shortage of inventory that is hampering sales.
Housing squeeze keeps remodelers busy
Michael J. Berens Interior Design, Furnishings & FixturesAs home values increase, current homeowners are choosing to redecorate and renovate rather than buy up to a newer home. With a shortage of desirable, affordable homes on the market, first-time buyers are opting to purchase a less expensive home and remodel when the home they prefer is not available.
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