All Food & Beverage Articles
  • Soda companies adjust focus to new healthy beverages in 2016

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    Everyone is talking about Coca-Cola's new "Taste the Feeling" campaign. Just launched, ​it has already made quite a few waves in the media — social and otherwise. The campaign focuses on a series of different emotionally charged moments for Coke drinkers showcasing their simple pleasure from the drink.

  • New bundle deals take center stage in fast food wars

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    It seems 2016 will be an interesting year for the fast food business. Food and beverage marketing will take on a whole new angle with strategies like innovative labeling and packaging, along with outside-the-box ideas like bundling.

  • What can the US learn from the success of Mexico’s sugar tax?

    Joan Spitrey Medical & Allied Healthcare

    In 2013, the Mexican government voted to implement an excise tax on sugar-sweetened drinks and on several energy-dense foods. This represented an approximate 10 percent increase in price of all nondairy and nonalcoholic beverages with added sugar and an 8 percent increase on a list of nonessential highly energy-dense foods.

  • Bioplastic applications advancing new development routes

    Don Rosato Engineering

    The bioplastics market based on "renewable carbon" is expanding from single-use compostables to durable applications with greater performance demands. The demand for renewable materials in durables is accelerating R&D to meet higher property requirements. Bio-based raw materials will shift to nonfood sources. New technologies will reduce manufacturing costs, and bring new bio-based products to market.

  • The body loves fat — When did it become the enemy?

    Heather Linderfelt Food & Beverage

    More grains, less fat — we've all heard it said for years. Yet as fat consumption has dropped 10 percent in the last 40 years, the rates of heart disease and diabetes have doubled. When did fat become the number one enemy?

  • Food for thought: Eating fish is good for the brain

    Dr. Denise A. Valenti Medical & Allied Healthcare

    ​Fish is often referred to as brain food, and now there is evidence that this is true. A study published recently in Neurology, the journal of the American Academy of Neurology, reported that those who consumed fish as a part of a Mediterranean-style diet had greater volumes of brain tissue than those who did not adhere to a diet rich in fish. The study found that brain differences were similar to adding five years of aging to those who did not have the diet similar to the Mediterranean style.

  • New hive design revolutionizes honey harvesting

    Heather Linderfelt Food & Beverage

    Honey harvesting is a messy and sometimes painful job. Traditional Langstroth hives consist of a wooden floor, stacked boxes or supers of varying depths, an inner cover and a roof. Bees build their comb on wooden frames within each box.

  • Innovative packaging driving growth in food and beverage industries

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    The increasing consumer trend toward natural, sustained and minimally processed foods has necessitated a change in packaging that will support these natural and organic products. At the same time, consumers are still looking for easy food solutions with processed food and drinks, which need to be healthier at the same time.

  • How much protein should pet food contain?

    Jennifer Adolphe, Ph.D. Pet Care

    Visit any Internet message board about pet nutrition and you will more than likely find a heated debate about protein — pros, cons, good sources, bad sources and more opinions than you ever wanted to know. Proteins are the building blocks of your pet's body and consist of chains of amino acids joined together. They can range in size from only a few amino acids to large, complex molecules in which the amino acid chains are intricately folded. Why are proteins such a hot topic for pet nutrition?

  • Nightlife apps to bolster business

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    If you want to spice up your nightlife further, it's time ​to explore some new apps. Yes, not to be left behind, this area of the entertainment business has gone digital and is evolving every day. A look at the latest nightlife apps shows how fast our notion of connecting and socializing is changing, along with the way the businesses themselves. New Yorkers are of course leading the way with some hip apps promising to make nightlife in Big Apple more happening than ever.