Recent Articles

  • Why blended machines meet Six Sigma and Kaizen standards better than batching…

    Michelle Pudlo Manufacturing

    Optimizing a business to be efficient is a never-ending race. There are two concepts that business organizations rely on when working on optimization — the Six Sigma and Kaizen. Six Sigma is focused on 99.99966% of produced product features without any defects. Kaizen is a broad concept of improvement and development of every person in a company. We’re here to discuss how blended machines fit these concepts better than the classic batching machines used in fluid manufacturing, packaging, and storage.

  • How pharmacists can help stem insomnia — a growing public health issue

    Sheilamary Koch Pharmaceutical

    Sleeping well not only boosts one’s mood and ability to pay attention, it supports the body's immune functioning and ability to fight infections. So it’s ironic that now when people most need the benefits of a good night’s sleep, an increased number are finding it elusive. In fact, insomnia has surged to such a degree since the pandemic started, that doctors have coined the phrase "COVID-somnia" to describe it.

  • What to know about protecting yourself in the outdoors

    John McAdams Recreation & Leisure

    While the vast majority of sportsmen will never need to protect themselves from a predator of any sort while afield, this is an area where it’s especially important to heed the Boy Scout motto and prepare for the worst. After all, while it’s extremely unlikely that you’ll ever need to use a weapon in self-defense, you’ll be really glad you were appropriately prepared if that time ever comes.

  • Podcast: Finding fulfillment and a fully booked schedule in a cash-based…

    Jarod Carter Healthcare Administration

    During PT school, Valerie Schwalbe discovered she had a passion for pelvic physical therapy. Right after graduation, she started a pelvic health program in an outpatient orthopedic clinic. Over time, she realized her dream of a standalone pelvic health clinic where patients could be completely comfortable wasn't really possible within the insurance-based business model. Two years ago, she finally opened her own private-pay pelvic health practice. Despite all the craziness of 2020, Schwalbe's practice continues to grow.

  • Guidelines for employers about limiting political speech at work

    D. Albert Brannen Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    With the social and civil unrest in our country and November elections looming, everyone seems to have strong opinions about the issues and candidates. Inevitably, these opinions may come up during conversations at work, where they can become disruptive and interfere with productivity. Such conversations can also expose employers and employees to legal risks if they do not fully understand the laws that govern speech at work.

  • Can’t afford a life coach? 3 simple techniques you can use to coach…

    Victoria Fann Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    In this time of great unrest and uncertainty, it can be a lifesaver to hire a life coach who can offer support and guidance and maybe even an idea or a strategy or two. But not everyone can afford one. Not to worry. You can coach yourself. Sure, it's not going to be the same as being accountable to someone else or receiving outside support or encouragement. But, using the three techniques below, it will be pretty close.

  • Intent-driven content: A fresh marketing strategy to boost your brand

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    When it comes to analyzing what your customers want during the COVID-19 crisis, your brand has most likely had to do quite a bit of scrambling. But a new marketing approach can give you the perfect bird's-eye view of what your existing (and potential) audiences need. Intent-driven content marketing is a strategy where you determine what granular information a customer is intending to gain when using a search engine and then tailoring your brand content to meet those detailed needs.

  • Dig this: Get in the garden for a long, healthy life

    Bob Kowalski Recreation & Leisure

    Getting to work in the garden can bring homegrown nutrition, but it also can improve your physical fitness and maybe extend your life. In this era of work-from-home and Zoom meetings, a garden provides a hobby that will get you up and moving, and give you a place to take a break from the keyboard. Cornell researchers recently reported that 10 minutes in a natural setting can act as stress relief. The study focused on college students, but the results translate to all walks of life.

  • The church trifecta: Benefits, expectations, consistency

    Mark MacDonald Religious Community

    I love to eat, and I especially enjoy experiencing food from new places. But, as I'm sure you'll agree, it's difficult to choose new restaurants without relying heavily on recommendations. Many things can go wrong at restaurants! Now, think about churches. Two-thirds of most communities don't really know why anyone would attend church regularly. So, we must rely on that other third. And when they visit? We have to get it right. There’s a tipping point of three critical things that every church must nail in order for people to want to come back.

  • The rise of employee assistance programs during COVID-19

    Grace Ferguson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Originally designed to address the negative effects of alcohol abuse on productivity and organizational performance, employee assistance programs (EAPs) have evolved immensely since their inception. Today, EAPs are structured to manage a wide range of complex issues surrounding employee mental health. Though employers have been ramping up their EAP initiatives for some time now, it’s the COVID-19 pandemic that’s catapulting this workplace benefit to greater heights.