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Hunting with modern sporting rifles
John McAdams Recreation & LeisureModern sporting rifles are very likely among both the most commonly used and most misunderstood firearms in the United States. While some hunters and shooters simply prefer more traditional wood stocks and/or a bolt, pump, or lever-action design, semi-automatic rifles are gradually becoming more popular with many other gun owners. This includes an increasing number of hunters for several reasons. For one thing, many of the most popular modern sporting rifles have a modular design that’s easy to customize to the exact specifications of the user.
Investigational hyperbaric oxygen therapy indications: Infertility
Eugene R. Worth Medical & Allied HealthcareWe have previously discussed the rationale for using hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) in an "off-label" indication. We suggested that there must be a scientific rationale, physiology that made sense for use of HBOT, and some sort of verified outcome. In this article, we will provide an update on use of HBOT as an adjunctive treatment for female infertility. Female infertility can be considered an off-label, plausible indication for HBOT. That is, there is some evidence supporting the use of HBOT for this indication; however, it is not an indication that is approved by the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS).
How sharpening your voice search approach can boost your company’s…
Lisa Mulcahy MarketingVoice search is a popular way for consumers to seek out what they want to buy online. It's also crucial for you to understand on a granular level. When you provide a great response to a customer's audible query, you are establishing a powerful and definitive relationship with that customer instantly. Make sure the impression your voice search approach makes is helpful, human, and convenient to understand and navigate. You may win over that consumer immediately.
Don’t dig a deeper hole for yourself
Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementHere's the quandary: you've allowed an employee's unacceptable behavior to continue long term without serious repercussions. Now what? You personally like this employee. When she's at work, she does a good job. Co-workers and customers like her. The problem is her chronic absenteeism or tardiness, for example. You tried talking with this person months ago, which resulted in a lot of tears that only made you somehow feel guilty for hurting her feelings. She promised to improve, and for a couple of days, she did.
Study: Today’s hurricanes bigger, more destructive than before
Scott E. Rupp Waste Management & EnvironmentalHurricanes have become more destructive since 1900, says a fresh piece of research from the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen. The worst hurricanes are more than three times as frequent now than 100 years ago, the researchers found. The researchers report that they’ve calculated the historical damage figures differently than in the past. Doing so makes a comparison between rural areas and more densely populated areas easier.
A leader’s guide to collaboration
Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management"Great, we can collab!" That was what one of my colleagues said to me a few weeks back, which, being the geek that I am, inspired me to read about collaboration (as well as think about whether I could ever utter the word collab and not sound like an idiot). Fortunately for me, a lot has been written quite recently about the science behind collaborative work environments. Here are a few tips for leaders to create an environment that encourages sustained, successful collaboration.
The real reason rich kids do better in school
Patrick Gleeson EducationIt’s frequently asserted that the reason rich kids do better in school than poor kids has to do with their life experiences outside the classroom. The problem with this isn’t that it’s entirely wrong — like most things in life, the closer you look, the more complicated it gets. But this view lets our K-12 school system off the hook almost entirely. The reality is that a large part of the problem is that poor kids receive educations that are both inferior and different — they aren’t even taught the same way.
The undeniable health benefits of writing
Victoria Fann Mental HealthcareI've been writing most of my adult life. I've been working with writers as a group facilitator and teacher for 30 years. In my experience, I can assert with confidence that writing changes lives. Studies have shown that writing has many health benefits. According to researcher and professor James Pennebaker, co-author of the book, "Opening Up by Writing it Down: How Expressive Writing Improves Health and Eases Emotional Pain," writing about life's challenges helps us heal physically and emotionally.
How to end the divide between generations in the workplace
Simma Lieberman Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementFor over 10 years, I’ve been facilitating cross-generational dialogues. I started them because I was tired of one-dimensional conversations filled with bias and wrong assumptions about people who were older or younger. After the first three sessions, it was clear to me that we have a lot to learn from each other. Cross-generational mentoring became an integral part of my inclusive leadership coaching process. Here are some of the generalizations that are permeating the mainstream media and examples of assumptions and stereotypes based on age that I find irritating.
The environmental impact of unhealthy foods
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageA recent study conducted jointly by the University of Minnesota and Oxford University shows how nutritious food and healthier diets impact the environment positively. Researchers studied the consumption of 15 different food groups to see different health and environmental outcomes. Healthier and sustainable food choices can prevent environmental degradation. Another study conducted by the University of Michigan in partnership with Tulane University shows how climate-friendly diets that lead to lower carbon footprints are much healthier for the human body as well.