Recent Articles

  • Adapting your marketing strategy for the aftermath of COVID-19

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    As we live through the COVID-19 pandemic day-by-day, it can be hard to see the forest for the trees — but this crisis will end, and that is a powerfully positive fact. Use your business now to plan for the aftermath so you can emerge in a strong position in terms of your brand's messaging. So, what are the right steps? Use these guidelines to help cover all your planning needs.

  • ‘Corona change’ is an economic force with environmental consequences

    Michelle R. Matisons Waste Management & Environmental

    Climate change issues are intimately tied to the coronavirus pandemic, but how? The recent announcement that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has suspended regulations requires reflection on the pandemic’s climate change politics. There are countless speculations as to the virus’ origins, and all are anthropogenic. This means human practices disrupt ecological balance, resulting in huge social impacts, like pandemics. Plain and simple, right?

  • The CARES Act and public education

    Patrick Gleeson Education

    On March 27, President Trump signed the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act (CARES) Act into law. It provides $30.75 billion in emergency relief funds for the U.S. Department of Education. If you’re a K-12 teacher, you’re probably wondering how this affects you. Importantly, how will your students benefit? More pointedly, how much will they benefit?

  • Grieving little heartbreaks is OK, even during a pandemic

    Sheilamary Koch Mental Healthcare

    In a recent article in The Verge, writer Monica Chin skillfully addresses what many of us are secretly grappling with — guilt that here in the middle of a pandemic we're grieving silly things like canceled basketball games. Chin cites backlash she's seen on social media when people have expressed sadness about the cancellation of events like Coachella, but concludes, "While it’s important to cancel these events to slow the spread of COVID-19 to keep hospitals and health systems from being overrun, I think it’s also important to allow ourselves (and each other) to mourn them." It may be hard not to think that sadness is a bit self-indulgent these days. Still, experts agree that denying our feelings isn't the way to go.

  • 3 possible economic outcomes for the coronavirus pandemic

    Lark Gould Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Surviving the coronavirus is currently top of mind for the American public. There are many likely scenarios possible within the possible epidemiological trajectories of COVID-19 and the economic response to this crisis will also develop over the next few months, bringing a new set of struggles to consider. The Conference Board, a New York-based think tank on the economy and public policy, has developed three scenarios for the development of the U.S. economy through the remainder of the year.

  • Letting go of costly mistakes

    Anne Rose Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Everyone makes mistakes. As long as humans are involved, mistakes are a part of life. We should try to minimize them, but the fact remains that someday, someone, will make a mistake. How do you, as an employer, forgive and let this go?

  • Quarantines, home-cooked meals give the fresh produce market a boost

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in much of the world being under lockdown or quarantine, and people are focused on stocking up on essentials as they prepare to be stuck at home for weeks. Empty aisles and long queues in front of Costco have become familiar sights. In the midst of this, retail sales have gone up, and fresh produce in particular has seen a big spike.

  • The COVID-19 pandemic: A reverse Wizard of Oz?

    Keith Carlson Medical & Allied Healthcare

    At the end of the classic film, "The Wizard of Oz," Dorothy, the naïve yet savvy heroine played by a young Judy Garland, wakes up in her bed on a bright morning following a frightening tornado and a grand, slightly nightmarish adventure of epic proportions. The sleepy Dorothy quickly realizes that it has all indeed been a dream, and she’s safe and sound at home. If only the COVID-19 pandemic was the same: a global nightmare from which we will all awake on a sunny Midwestern morning, surrounded by the people we love most.

  • Survey: 1 in 5 managers unprepared to lead remote teams

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Remote work has become essential for many organizations. However, it appears that some employees and managers are ill-equipped for this type of work arrangement. According to a new survey by leadership training company VitalSmarts, 21% of employees don’t feel their team members have good enough collaboration habits to work effectively from home and 20% of leaders are either unprepared or very unprepared to manage remote teams. Additionally, a VitalSmarts survey conducted before COVID-19 found that remote workers were already experiencing challenges when issues arise.

  • How to plan for more social distancing at your church

    Deborah Ike Religious Community

    Now that federal social distancing guidelines extend through at least April 30, it's time to plan for how to do ministry remotely for a longer period. Even if the government changes social distancing guidelines in May, some parts of the country might have to remain online-only for longer based on how COVID-19 is spreading in their region. For now, planning remote church for the next 30-90 days seems wise. As your team plans for the next several weeks of online church, here are several things to consider.