SPE ANTEC 2015 highlights plastics innovation on the move
Aldo Crugnola, Nick Schott and Don Rosato EngineeringANTEC, produced by the Society of Plastics Engineers, is the largest, most respected and well-known technical conference in the plastics industry. Since its start in 1942, ANTEC has successfully expanded from the U.S. into Europe, India and the Middle East with further expansion to global locations in 2015 and beyond.
UK making efforts to improve ‘cold chain’
Andrew Gaved ManufacturingI have written before about the efforts being made by the cooling industry to emphasize the importance of the "cold chain" — the route by which food is distributed from producer to retailer under refrigerated conditions. An improved cold chain, the industry argues, is a win-win globally. In the developed world, it can improve shelf lives and thus reduce food wastage. In the developing world, it can literally save people's lives by reducing the amount of spoilage.
Are you freezing at work? New studies may boost building comfort
Michael J. Berens Facilities & GroundsAnyone who has suffered in an overcooled or overheated meeting room for a day or two understands the need for improved thermal comfort. Complaints about poor thermal comfort abound in occupant satisfaction studies. Yet, to date, solutions have proven elusive or only partially satisfactory.
How 3-D printing can save on your company’s tax bill
Tracy Szwec Manufacturing3-D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is one of the hottest topics in manufacturing today. After all, this technology is solving many problems, and it could actually be quite cost-effective for some organizations. In some cases, it is possible that additive manufacturing could be used as research and development — this topic is being discussed by many organizations as the possibilities for cutting associated costs are appealing.
PHMSA pushing for increased pipeline safety amid US energy boom
Ross Lancaster EngineeringDuring the last five years or so, the United States has seen a big increase in oil and gas pipeline mileage and total barrels. While this boom has undoubtedly helped the U.S. to become one of the world's largest oil and gas producers once again, the added infrastructure and billion more barrels means that more chances exist for safety hazards and potentially fatal accidents.
Carbon dioxide refrigeration gathers pace, even in warmer climates
Andrew Gaved ManufacturingThe first transcritical carbon dioxide refrigeration systems in warmer climates are showing impressive energy savings, according to reports from the first trials in southern European supermarkets.
Are you building for more than 25 years?
David E. Patnaude Construction & Building MaterialsI recently had the privilege to present a 75-minute breakout session at the NBOA Annual Conference in Boston where I spoke about the real meaning of "total cost of ownership." I truly enjoy these sessions because I learn a lot during the Q&A and then even more from the people who approach me after the presentation with feedback.
Benefits of proactive approach highlighted at Corrosion 2015
Ross Lancaster EngineeringIn the field of corrosion engineering, solving or alleviating problems is unfortunately sometimes handled by a reactive approach — an issue is dealt with only after it appears. During the Plenary Lecture at NACE Corrosion 2015 on March 16 at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center, John R. Scully, a professor of materials science and engineering at the University of Virginia, outlined how corrosion engineers can better take a proactive approach to solving the biggest issues.
Smart polymer applications entering mainstream markets
Don Rosato EngineeringProperties inherent in shape memory polymers (SMP) and other smart polymers have the potential to be game-changers across many industries. In the automotive field, these advanced materials may eventually lead to vehicle subsystems that can self-heal in the event of damage, or that can be designed to change color or appearance.
5 amazing innovative processes in food packaging
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageFood packaging has been long been a concern for scientists and the food-and-beverage industry alike. With growing consumer awareness and health concerns, these packages have become even more of a focus, particularly when present-day food habits include more refrigeration and preservation than ever before.
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