Aldo Crugnola, Nick Schott and Don Rosato

Articles by Aldo Crugnola, Nick Schott and Don Rosato
SPE ANTEC 2015 highlights plastics innovation on the move
Thursday, April 02, 2015ANTEC, produced by the Society of Plastics Engineers, is the largest, most respected and well-known technical conference in the plastics industry. Since its start in 1942, ANTEC has successfully expanded from the U.S. into Europe, India and the Middle East with further expansion to global locations in 2015 and beyond.
Out-of-autoclave here to stay for high-quality composites
Monday, February 09, 2015The manufacturing of high-quality structural composite components for aerospace applications has historically involved autoclave curing, a time-consuming, high-labor, and capital-intensive manufacturing process. As the aerospace and defense industries look to lower costs, composite parts manufacturers are searching for low-cost alternatives to traditional autoclave molding processes that can produce the same mechanical performance that autoclave curing provides. Both commercial and academic research and development have been focusing on a variety of liquid molding or low-pressure consolidation processes to meet this need for lower cost "out-of-autoclave" composite molding.
Advancing plastic thermoforming technologies — Let’s shape up
Monday, January 12, 2015The thermoforming process typically consists of heating thermoplastic sheet, film or profile to its softening point and then forcing the hot, flexible material against the contours of a mold in three ways. Injection molders are not the only plastic processors that can benefit from process simulation software.