All Education Articles
  • How to help struggling learners who are not completing their work

    Susan Winebrenner Education

    ​By this time of the school year, some learners may be struggling to complete their work in certain subject areas (​including some gifted or advanced learners). Although there may be evidence that this problem has been present in previous school years, this year's teacher will suffer frustration with these events.

  • Food, football and fun for Thanksgiving

    Debra Josephson Abrams Education

    I love food. I love cooking it for others and myself. I love the joy others receive when eating the food I cook, and I love eating it. I also love football. There is little more I look forward to than football season and watching every NFL and college game. And increasingly — especially the more I travel internationally — I am grateful for whom I am and what I have.

  • Preparing for the gig economy

    Brian Stack Education

    It has been interesting to watch the job market change through the lens of many of my teacher friends who, for the duration of my 20 years in education, have taken part-time jobs to supplement their income. Today, technology has drastically changed the jobs I see them doing. For many, short-term jobs and projects known as "gigs" have started to replace the traditional job.

  • Think about it: Teach your students about mindfulness

    Savanna Flakes Education

    Mindfulness is not new. It originated with Eastern meditation practices around the art of "bringing one's complete attention to the present experience." Mindfulness is what makes us human — the capacity to be fully conscious and aware, or put another way, being present and aware of things happening in the current moment.

  • Should students be allowed to use smartphones at school?

    Bambi Majumdar Education

    ​Smartphones, Internet and social media are an intrinsic part of our lives today. More than adults, teenagers and young adults find it impossible to survive without technology. But what happens when the same tech is used to harm, belittle and abuse others? From the early days of promoting BYOT (bring your own technology) to banning cellphone use, schools have gone through a gamut of changes for technology usage on campus.

  • Retaining ESL students

    Douglas Magrath Education

    ​The concern among those serving international students is shifting from recruiting to retention. Student retention is critical at the college level, because there are many programs from which students can choose.

  • How equine therapy can help in schools

    Sheilamary Koch Education

    ​In the aftermath of devastating floods in Newcastle, Australia, many children in the area showed signs of low self-esteem and disconnectedness, according to youth worker Lisa Dyer. Inspired by a program used following massive bushfires, Dyer began doing equine therapy with these young people to help them heal emotional wounds.

  • How to help gifted learners who are not completing their work

    Susan Winebrenner Education

    ​By this time of the school year, some gifted or advanced learners may be struggling to complete their work in certain subject areas. Although there may be evidence that this problem has been present in previous school years, this year's teacher will suffer frustration with these events.

  • Comic strips and language learners

    Sheilamary Koch Education

    One of the joys of Sunday mornings when I was young was ruffling through the hefty Sunday newspaper to snatch out the comics before anyone else in the family got them. The colorful illustrations with their mini stories of humor, suspense and drama seduced me unwittingly into reading.

  • What happens when you bring America’s top principals together?

    Brian Stack Education

    Being a school principal in America can be a thankless job, and one that is ever-evolving. But what would happen if you brought together some of the best, most influential school principals in our country to talk about how they leverage their strengths and resources to stay focused on transformational leadership on behalf of their students?