Trucking and the YouTube dilemma
Matt Chase Distribution & WarehousingThe various websites that pertain to trucking often have plenty of naysayers who bash the companies they work for, or the ones they previously worked for. YouTube has become a haven for haters and complainers, and it is spreading like wildfire with the new and upcoming drivers, who are wanting to start their own channels and become vloggers (video bloggers) just like their favorite drivers.
How fleet tracking can help solve fleet management challenges
Regan Billie Distribution & WarehousingMany different types of businesses rely on fleets in order to get their product or service to their customer. For businesses that are dependent on their fleet, managing these vehicles can become one of the most costly challenges.
Why you need to develop a storage strategy
Ken Ackerman Distribution & WarehousingA surprising number of warehouse operators do no storage planning at all. In the absence of any instruction, the lift truck operator at the receiving dock will make the decision about where to store the material he or she unloads. Not surprisingly, that decision is to store the material in the first available empty spot.
Why you should view warehousing as real estate
Ken Ackerman Distribution & WarehousingIt is not surprising that real estate and warehousing go together like ham and eggs. Yet, despite its intimate relationship to warehousing, real estate is frequently misunderstood. Of the tools used in warehousing, often the most expensive and least flexible one is the building that houses the operation.
Understanding new regulations for energy‑efficient buildings
Bambi Majumdar Facilities & GroundsEnergy efficiency is a journey, and we cannot take our foot off the gas pedal, lest we drive into major power wastage. The latest energy efficiency legislation — The Energy Efficiency Improvement Act, H.R. 2126 — that has just been approved by the U.S. House of Representatives is a significant step forward.
Benefits of going green in the warehouse
Tracy Stevens Distribution & WarehousingGoing green or lean in your warehouse by streamlining processes and introducing cost-saving initiatives can bring many benefits. To stay competitive and be on the leading edge, going green is a win-win process. Here are some steps to take to make your warehouse more energy efficient, resulting in a smaller carbon footprint.
Latest trends in logistics point toward automation
Nadine Miller Distribution & WarehousingLocal and global logistics have become increasingly complex, and the systems needed to handle that complexity have also grown. The trend toward automation will continue in 2014, along with some additional logistics programs that will enable increased agility and responsiveness to the customer.
Calling all professionals in the trucking industry
Matt Chase Distribution & WarehousingWe all share in the important endeavor of making sure the trucking industry is well supplied with quality people — both men and women, who equally need an opportunity in making a better life for them and that of their families.
US natural gas exports revisited: A real debate emerges
Lucy Wallwork Natural ResourcesI have summarized both sides of the debate previously on whether the U.S. should start exporting its natural gas internationally. Now on the back of a Senate hearing in January, the debate over the wisdom of a continued ban on U.S. oil and gas exports has intensified.
5 safety tips for your warehouse
Mandy Gardner Distribution & WarehousingWarehouse management is a multifaceted industry whose success relies on many different elements, such as leadership, management software, architecture and warehouse layout. To make sure that your warehouse is as safe and hazard-free as possible, you should implement a few different systems that will bolster the overall safety rating of your building.
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