FDA mandates detailed nutritional information about sugar
Bambi Majumdar Food & BeverageIt will no longer be enough to print how much sugar a particular product has on nutrition labels. The FDA is going to make it mandatory for food and beverage companies to provide more detailed labeling. This will include precise information about the percentage of sugar that will be added to one's daily recommended intake.
Associations as microcosms of governments
Robert C. Harris Association ManagementAssociations seem to be microcosms of governmental bodies. Their principles and processes mirror how local, state and national governments receive input and solve problems — though sometimes more efficiently. In the U.S., associations have collaborated with and impacted government since they were formed in the 1700s and 1800s.
Maintaining a great public impression
Frank R. Myers Civil & GovernmentFire departments — and the firefighters that operate them — are pillars of the community. People come by the station to vote, install child safety seats, have their blood pressure taken, check out all the cool equipment and a whole host of other things. We are public servants who have the duty and honor of leaving a positive impression on the communities we serve.
The NLRB’s attack on confidentiality continues
D. Albert Brannen Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementMany employers believe they have the absolute right to prohibit their workers from disclosing "confidential" information to co-workers and third parties. They are dead wrong. The National Labor Relations Board has consistently restricted employer rights in this area, and some recent decisions and guidelines from the current board have accelerated the erosion of these employer rights. This article outlines seven things that, unbeknownst to many employers, cannot be prohibited without violating employee rights under the National Labor Relations Act.
A look at Clinton’s universal pre-K plan
Bambi Majumdar EducationAt a time when all eyes are focused at higher education and improving the graduation rate across the nation, Hillary Clinton announced her support for the universal pre-K plan. She first mentioned this in June during her campaign in Rochester, New Hampshire, but has since then gone on to be vocal about how and why she wants it implemented.
Study: Poverty harms brain development in children
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareBetween 2009 and 2010, 1 million more children in America joined the ranks of those living in poverty, bringing the total to an estimated 15.7 million poor children in 2010, an increase of 2.6 million since the recession began at the end of 2007. Most of these children have parents who work, but low wages and unstable employment leave their families struggling to make ends meet.
Sitting may be killing us, but standing all day is just as bad
Cait Harrison Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementWe know sitting all day in an office chair is killing us, and there's no shortage of stories in the news telling us so. And while you should limit sitting, standing for long periods isn't that much better, according to a new study. The research, published in Human Factors, the Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, found that workers who stood all day experienced significant muscle fatigue, regardless of age and gender.
A song of loneliness, empathy and action
Howard Margolis EducationFor at least 100 times over the past several days, I’ve listened to Vivian Green’s rendition of "Oh, Freedom." Her performance was morally powerful, personally humbling, and haunting in a bittersweet way. In its courage and moral power, it offers lessons to those of us concerned about the needs and dignity of children and adults with disabilities.
Sheriff department upgrades show increased need for technology
Bambi Majumdar Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityResource upgrades routinely top the list of needs for every law enforcement agency, but never has the agenda been so aggressive like it is today. With the speed that technology and communications have developed and evolved in the past 10 years, the need for "new" has accelerated big time.
Utilizing the MBTI with development and performance coaching
Robert Palmer Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementThe amount of coaching information out there is overwhelming. The claims of coaches offering a wide variety of coaching specialties, styles, methods and outcomes is confusing to most people and makes it difficult for people to choose what kind of coach and what kind of coaching would be most beneficial to them, their situation and their goals.
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