How technology can help prevent workplace injuries
Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementA few months ago, we reported on workplace fatalities being at their highest levels since 2008, although workplace injuries are trending down. And now, the National Security Council recently released its first Work to Zero research report, "Safety Technology 2020: Mapping Technology Solutions for Reducing Serious Injuries and Fatalities in the Workplace." The report identifies the most relevant workplace hazards, along with technologies that can help to mitigate the risks.
Federal surveillance, track-and-trace technology may be on the way for…
Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied HealthcarePortions of the U.S. — those areas with the most cases of the virus — are seeing their health systems become overwhelmed. Among the carnage, former top government healthcare officials Scott Gottlieb and Farzad Mostashari are proposing the construction of a national COVID-19 surveillance system. Such a system, they said in a recent policy paper, calls for the implementations of tools and policies "to conduct more effective surveillance, containment, and case management of COVID-19 for the future."
Data strategies for better decision-making
Indiana Lee Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementData is the most valuable currency in the business world today. Today, it is those businesses that make a practice of collecting and analyzing data to gain intelligent insights that are on the frontier of innovation, efficiency, and success. As an executive or decision-maker, it is thus vital that you understand what effective business intelligence techniques can do for your business, as well as how insights from data can aid you with everything from keeping you up to date with the latest business trends to understanding what specific skills your data employees need to succeed.
Thinking critically about COVID-19, public health, and our erratic response
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcareIn these days of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a great deal of commonly held focus on hobbled supply chains, widespread lack of PPE, the egregiously defunded American public health system, and other ills that negatively impact our ability to mitigate and respond to this existential crisis. While this writer in no way claims to have deep knowledge of healthcare economics and related policy, the obvious fact is that something is wrong when a country largely perceived to be a "global superpower" cannot effectively launch and sustain a concerted, cohesive response to such a threat. Something is indeed amiss, so how can we think critically about this lamentable turn of events?
Treating COVID-19-related respiratory failure with an anticoagulant: A…
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareAs the novel coronavirus enters lung cells, it starts to replicate, destroying the cells, resulting in the most common complication of COVID-19, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Because of this complication, ventilators have become the single most important piece of equipment in the fight to sustain these patients. A compassionate use trial is currently enrolling COVID-19 patients with ARDS to evaluate both inhaled and intravenous treatment with a common anti-clotting drug approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for treating ischemic thrombotic stroke. Researchers have long considered anticoagulants to reduce ARDS-induced death, but the treatment was never adopted or formally approved by the FDA.
Podcast: How to setup and market telehealth services in less than 48 hours
Jarod Carter Healthcare AdministrationIn this podcast, listen in as I give a detailed class on getting started with telehealth services as quickly as possible. This is a must-listen if you’re interested in using telehealth to get your practice through the coronavirus crisis. This episode is taken from a Q&A coaching call on telehealth services with my Mastermind group.
The hidden social impact of crime-stopping AI
Brian Wallace Science & TechnologyOne major way that artificial intelligence is purported to help society is with its crime-fighting capabilities. For example, crime prediction software can adapt existing AI models to historical crime data. However, this type of AI’s data feedback loop can lead to problems with bias, self-fulfilling predictions, and may ignore crimes that go unreported. Learn more about this tech and its possible problems with this infographic.
Is it possible to maintain your culture remotely?
Gina DeLapa Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementMaintaining your office culture is only a wise move if your culture is healthy to begin with. But even then, should you maintain it? Or should you take this opportunity to transform it? These are questions every leader must ask — and right now in particular, everyone must lead. But more about that in a moment. Let's talk about the "right now in particular." As of this writing, the whole world is under a pandemic we can't begin to comprehend. But we don't have to stay stuck.
COVID-19 leads to rapid e-learning growth in K-12 education
Bambi Majumdar EducationAccording to Education Week, the spread of the coronavirus has forced the closure of at least 124,000 K-12 schools across the country, and learning has gone virtual. While K-12 educators are trying to shift to e-learning in record time and continue teaching, they, along with students, are receiving a lot of help from the K-12 tech industry. Major education technology companies are making their paid services free through the rest of the school year and are even adding premium features to those.
Infographic: Mental health under quarantine
Brian Wallace Mental HealthcareQuarantine. Staying in place. Full lockdown. All of these ways that we find ourselves social distancing start to take a toll on our mental health and well-being. How can we overcome these effects of social isolation? This infographic outlines the steps we can take to ensure we make it out of the pandemic as mentally healthy as possible, including setting routines and using meditation apps.
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