All Science & Technology Articles
  • Critical concepts in distance learning for multilingual learners

    Erick Herrmann Education

    The current state of affairs has caused a shifting tide from face-to-face instruction to online learning and out-of-the-classroom learning through online platforms; apps; paper packets being sent home; letters and communications; and other creative means to keep students learning. Educators have done a phenomenal job all over the world in transitioning to remote learning and are working diligently to meet the needs of each student in their classes. But for emergent bilingual and multilingual students, many issues have arisen in terms of meeting their instructional needs.

  • US payrolls plunge by 20.5 million jobs; unemployment climbs to 14.7%

    Seth Sandronsky Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Attempts to contain COVID-19 led the U.S. economy to shed 20.5 million nonfarm jobs in April versus March's employment loss of 701,000. April's unemployment rate spiked to 14.7% from 4.4% in March. In April, job losses hit all sectors, notably hospitality and leisure payrolls. "Today's report is more than ten-fold worse than the previous all-time high of 1.95 million job losses in September 1945,” Andrew Stettner, senior fellow at The Century Foundation, said in a statement.

  • 5 ways to improve productivity in video meetings during the pandemic

    Sam O'Brien Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    For many people, working from home seems like a dream situation. It does, however, come with unique challenges. These challenges are even more noticeable thanks to the current situation regarding COVID-19 and not being able to conduct face-to-face, in-person meetings. Many of us are plunging headfirst into a new mode of working with no preparation. Thankfully, there are some easy ways to improve your productivity during video meetings at this time.

  • Don’t allow email burnout to push your buttons

    Bob Kowalski Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    We've used email so long that it’s become second nature, and it's hard to remember when we didn't have an inbox to check. It's gone from a secondary function on our desktops to a constant source of information, connection and maybe distraction, from our desktops to our tablets and our phones. Now that so many people work remotely, email has proven its value as much as it ever has. Even the notifications for the rapidly growing number of video conferences come via email. But there's no need for you to suffer email burnout.

  • Infographic: How to find work in the remote economy

    Brian Wallace Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Remote work has been increasing in popularity for years now, but the COVID-19 crisis has put the trend into high gear. There’s a reason remote work is here to stay — the benefits are measurable and undeniable. Learn more about the industries where remote work is exploding and how to find a work-from-home job with this infographic.

  • How using Zoom as a marketing device can boost your brand’s profits

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    If your team is working remotely, chances are excellent that you've jumped on a Zoom conference call or two. But did you know that in addition to being a convenient meeting application, you can use Zoom right now to boost your brand's visibility and sales? Zoom is tailor-made for these tough times as you try to get your digital and social media messaging revamped — and your audience is eagerly jumping on the Zoom bandwagon. So, how do you incorporate Zoom into a campaign quickly and super-effectively?

  • COVID-19 and the cybersecurity risks of online K-12 learning

    Bambi Majumdar Education

    The COVID-19 pandemic meant that schools in the U.S. and all around the world had to suddenly switch to digital learning. As schools, teachers, and students rapidly acclimatized themselves to this new version of school, a new threat emerged: cybersecurity breaches. Two school districts in the San Francisco Bay Area, Oakland and Berkeley, suffered recent cybersecurity breaches, and student privacy was severely compromised. Reports of such breaches of student privacy and digital security are surfacing across the country.

  • Pandemic sheds light on weak links in inventory strategies

    Gail Short Distribution & Warehousing

    In the weeks after COVID-19 began sweeping across the United States, the pandemic succeeded in revealing chinks in the country’s retail and manufacturing supply chains. Many factories and retailers use an inventory system called the just-in-time (JIT) method to save on costs and, in the case of factories, to support lean manufacturing practices. But in light of the recent disruptions to supply chains due to the coronavirus pandemic, some experts say it is time to review current supply chains and inventory processes like JIT.

  • Infographic: Are virtual events here to stay?

    Brian Wallace Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Virtual meetings are now commonplace and working from home is here to stay, but will large scale events like conferences ever come back? This infographic outlines how virtual events may be here to stay, signaling a major change for business professionals.

  • CMS continues expanding services in response to COVID-19

    Scott E. Rupp Medical & Allied Healthcare

    The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced several changes pertaining to delivering care to seniors and to "provide flexibility to the healthcare system as America reopens" from the economic shutdown brought on by COVID-19, the agency said in a statement on April 30. The changes are many and include making it easier for Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries to get tested for COVID-19, the expansion of telehealth services, and the dismissal of rules for how certain groups can be treated and where.