All Recreation & Leisure Articles
  • Infographic: The rise of Bitcoin

    Bruce L. Gordon Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Ah, Bitcoin. Whether you are a believer or not, there is no doubt that it has been on the rise lately. The question to many is — why? Bitcoin first came on the scene in 2009 — right at the fall of the housing market crisis. While there were then some ups and downs, Bitcoin didn’t hit the stratosphere until 2017, when it jumped from $1,000 to over $19,000. The year 2018 brought on a big crash, especially with a number of fraudulent ICOs (initial coin offerings). All that said, Bitcoin is back. Every day it seems it’s hitting new records — even briefly crossing the $60,000 line.

  • Making the switch to a pistol red dot instantly and effortlessly

    Mike Ox Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    Red dot sights on pistols, also called micro red dots or micro red dot sights (MDRS), are all the rage right now for defensive use after proving their effectiveness in the shooting sports for the last several years. They are almost as big of a game-changer on pistols as they were on long guns. On most targets, you can keep your focus on your target, put the red dot where you want your bullet to go, and the bullet will go there. They negate many of the aiming advantages of a longer slide, make shooting easier for shooters with visual confusion and they can be easier to track in recoil than iron sights.

  • Change to adapt: How businesses will respond to post-pandemic travels

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Hospitality and tourism companies are ready for the long-awaited travel recovery in 2021. Many have begun hiring. The hospitality sector alone added 355,000 new jobs in February, making up most of the nonfarm payroll gains in the market. Airlines, too, are preparing for recovery; they have resumed hiring and training and plan to buy new airplanes. Post-pandemic travel, however, will very likely look different from what we knew about travel. COVID-19's devastating impact on the hospitality and tourism industry may have changed how these businesses operate forever.

  • Here are the most oddly named towns in America

    Dave G. Houser Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Virtually every state in the union has one. We're talking oddly named towns. Veteran road-trippers have probably come across some of them — like Chugwater, Wyoming; Intercourse, Pennsylvania; or Waterproof, Louisiana. But some names are rather Bland (Missouri), even Boring (Oregon) or downright Dull (Ohio) compared to some of the truly nutty names we’ve uncovered. Some towns are named for things we eat, like Chili (Wisconsin), Chicken (Alaska), Spuds and Two Egg (Florida), Fries (Virginia), Bacon (Texas) or Sandwich (Massachusetts). And we say Whynot (North Carolina and Mississippi)?

  • Infographic: 8 tips to defeat work stress

    Jennifer Chonillo Mental Healthcare

    In today’s world, work often causes us stress. Especially now, with more people working from home, it can be that much harder to stop worrying about work projects and issues and enjoy your home life. If work is starting to stress you out, you might be starting to notice some physical and health-related problems that have been caused by too much stress. You might find yourself getting more headaches, acne, or unable to sleep. This infographic includes eight ways you can use self-care to help combat work-related stress today.

  • Podcast: Making a personal passion pay off in a profitable practice

    Jarod Carter Healthcare Administration

    After finishing PT school, Chris Johnson spent a decade working as a therapist for a New York hospital in their cutting-edge sports medicine program. During that time, he also made house calls on the side and discovered he could earn as much or more money as he did at his “regular” job — but with about 10% as much work. He eventually felt he could only reach his full potential as a therapist by going out on his own, which was daunting because of the costs associated with opening a practice in New York City. But his gamble paid off, and he quickly filled his schedule with patients who valued his sports-medicine expertise.

  • These are the non-insurance perks that workers want

    Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Next to salary, insurance is probably the most important perk to workers. In fact, for some employees, health insurance is more important than pay. But workers also want other, non-insurance perks as well. Some companies boast that they offer ping-pong tables and pet-friendly offices, but these benefits aren’t really that popular. So, what do workers really want? Well, it tends to vary by generation.

  • Dreaming of international travel? You may need a vaccine passport

    Bambi Majumdar Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Have you heard of the term "vaccine passport?" Well, if you plan to travel internationally in 2021 and perhaps for the foreseeable future, you may just have to get one. Travel-related businesses and international governments may soon ask for digital documentation that proves that passengers have been vaccinated for the COVID-19 virus. Governments worldwide suggest caution, but there is also pressure from the travel industry, which has suffered unprecedented losses during the pandemic.

  • Self-defense shooting with corrective lenses

    Mike Ox Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    A lot of times, the techniques that we use for plinking and having fun with guns don’t necessarily carry over to self-defense shooting. Take shooting with glasses or contacts as an example. The fact is, we may or may not have our corrective lenses handy when we need to defend ourselves. It may be bifocals, trifocals, correcting astigmatism, monovision, progressives or readers, but roughly three-quarters of Americans wear corrective lenses of one sort or another. That can pose some interesting challenges with shooting … particularly self-defense shooting using traditional iron sights.

  • Will hospitality and travel recover in 2021?

    Linchi Kwok Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    2020 was a very challenging year for most. Besides lockdowns, many companies let employees work from home permanently. When many business activities were put on a break and supply chains were interrupted, the global economy crashed. COVID-19’s impact on the hospitality and tourism industry has been devastating and unprecedented. This article looks at the damage done to aviation, hotels and restaurants in 2020 because of the pandemic and what can be expected for those sectors in 2021.