New ways to make great business decisions
Lisa Mulcahy Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementTrying to settle on an important work choice? We all know about the value of researching your options, making a pros and cons list, and talking over the details with objective and informed colleagues. However, employing an out-of-the-box and effective science-based trick might just be the ticket when it comes to clarifying your thoughts and options. Use one or more of these strategies to help yourself come to the correct conclusion.
Are opioids more effective for chronic musculoskeletal pain?
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareIn the last 20 years, physicians have been prescribing opioids for chronic pain with the rationale that chronic pain patients legitimately need some relief. Physicians felt the side effects of these opioids were not too severe and that when opioids were used as prescribed, there was little chance for addiction.
Smarter mobile health for addiction recovery
Christina Thielst Mental HealthcareSocial and mobile health tools are making a significant impact on consumer health and wellness. They have played an important role in efforts to break care processes free from the confines of hospital and clinic walls and to activate consumers. Their engaging features support consumers in self-management activities, helping them to understand and act upon relevant information for better health.
Even 1 TBI increases risk of subsequent dementia
Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied HealthcareExperiencing just one traumatic brain injury (TBI) can increase the risk of dementia, according to a new study of nearly 2.8 million people. The results of the study, published online this month in The Lancet Psychiatry, showed that individuals who suffered one or more TBIs had a 24 percent higher risk of dementia.
Problem with insomnia? You may be born with it
Dorothy L. Tengler Mental HealthcareAs adults, we need seven or more hours of sleep each night for the best health and well-being. However, many people have problems sleeping — whether falling asleep, staying asleep or just simply sleeping well. And new research indicates it's a problem we may be born with.
Healthcare and a diversifying world
Keith Carlson Healthcare AdministrationAs the 21st century matures, so too does our understanding of what diversity means in relation to the delivery of compassionate, sensitive and appropriate healthcare. The notion of diversity has expanded in recent decades, and nurses, physicians, allied health providers and institutions must keep pace with the societal changes that are continually underway.
Can carrying naloxone help combat opioid overdose deaths?
Dr. Abimbola Farinde PharmaceuticalAcross the United States, reports of opioid abuse and related deaths have become an all-too-common occurrence for many Americans. With death tolls continuing to rise and such a wide impact on the population, regardless of background, immediate steps must be taken to address the issue.
Aware or unaware: Exploring the brain during unconsciousness
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareThe unconscious brain is difficult to investigate. Yet we know that even when the body rests deeply in a coma — beyond the reach of sensation and thought — the brain works to pump blood, move air into and out of the lungs, and digest food.
The role of fitness and brain fiber in dementia
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareAn estimated 2 million people in the United States suffer from severe dementia, and 5 to 8 percent of people over the age of 65 have some form of dementia. Globally, the number of people living with dementia is expected to increase from 50 million in 2017 to 152 million by 2050, a 204 percent increase.
ED opioid overdose visits jump 30 percent in a year
Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied HealthcareThe opioid epidemic is still getting worse. The evidence? Emergency department visits for opioid overdoses have skyrocketed in just one year. A new report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows the number of ED visits for opioid overdoses increased 30 percent from July 2016 to September 2017. Only a few areas of the U.S. have seen declines in ED visits for opioid overdoses.
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