Nurses must step up as leaders in healthcare debate
Joan Spitrey Medical & Allied HealthcareIn hospitals and long-term care centers, community centers and homes, nurses continue to be the front-line workers in healthcare.
McCain’s surprise vote kills ACA ‘skinny repeal’
Seth Sandronsky Healthcare AdministrationThe Republican Party's bid to overturn the Affordable Care Act ended with a whimper early Friday morning when Sen. John McCain cast the key no vote.
Brain scans show fathers respond differently to daughters than sons
Dorothy L. Tengler Mental HealthcareThe ratio of boys to girls born in the United States is 51 percent to 49 percent. Since 1940, an average of 91,685 more male babies have been born each year than females, a total of 5,776,130 over that 63-year period. An early review notes that in the United States, parents — especially fathers — have shown a strong preference for sons. Couples with sons are more likely to marry and are less likely to divorce if married. Fathers also tend to spend more time with sons than with daughters.
Senate clears hurdle to open debate on healthcare
Seth Sandronsky Healthcare AdministrationSenators voted, 51-50, Tuesday afternoon on a motion to proceed with debate on a healthcare bill when Vice President Mike Pence broke a tie with the decisive vote. Along with all 48 Democrats, Sens. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) voted against the motion to proceed with debate. The duo's dissent from Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) illustrates the tip of a GOP iceberg that is rife with splits between conservative and moderate lawmakers.
Flying physicians to stroke patients: A new intervention standard?
Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied HealthcareMore than 130,000 Americans die from a stroke each year. Stroke is the third leading cause of death and the leading cause of long-term disability in the United States. The chances of survival are greater when emergency treatment begins quickly, but many stroke victims don't get quick help. According to one survey, only 38 percent of people were aware of major stroke symptoms and knew to call for help.
Study: New kidney allocation system narrows racial gaps
Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied HealthcareA new kidney allocation system helps more minorities get the kidney transplants they need, according to a recent study. In 2014, the United Network for Organ Sharing (UNOS) implemented the new system, which addresses the primary factor for determining a patient's priority on the waitlist: the length of time the patient has waited for a transplant. In the months following implementation, kidney transplant rates for blacks and Hispanics increased, while kidney transplant rates decreased for whites.
Court ruling may have huge impact on marijuana and the workplace
Dr. Denise A. Valenti Civil & GovernmentThe Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently ruled that the use of legally-prescribed marijuana is potentially a protected medical activity under the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA). This ruling allows the lawsuit of Christina Barbuto, who had been terminated from her job for testing positive for marijuana, to move forward.
Will Senate’s healthcare failure open the door to bipartisanship?
Seth Sandronsky Healthcare AdministrationA week ago, the Republican Party's efforts to overturn the Affordable Care Act came to a crashing halt when two key Senators refused to back the repeal-and-replace plan. But in Washington, D.C., the GOP's efforts to end Obamacare — due in part to its insurance mandates, prices and taxes — continue.
The other end of the stethoscope
Keith Carlson Medical & Allied HealthcareNurses are natural patient advocates, brokers of information and resources for optimal patient care, wellness and outcomes. The nurse can truly make a world of difference in the patient experience when proper attention is paid and crucial details prudently attended to.
Help from above: Drones may one day save lives
Lynn Hetzler Medical & Allied HealthcareDrones are currently useful for capturing breathtaking pictures and video from the air, and in a variety of military capacities. As the capabilities and technology of drones expand, Amazon and other companies are looking into using these unmanned aerial vehicles to deliver packages.
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