Data centers seek industry’s help with heat recovery
Andrew Gaved ManufacturingWith its exponential growth and apparently unquenchable advance in technology, the data center industry is presenting a unique challenge for the cooling sector. It might be the good kind of challenge, since it naturally foments a climate of innovation, but those supplying the sector certainly need to be on their toes.
Do forecasts really matter in the manufacturing sector?
Alan Kelsky ManufacturingWith so many factors in play, forecasting for a wide-ranging field like manufacturing is never easy. Yet many organizations from the government to the private sector make predictions almost every day. What we see in the results are a variety of expectations — and revisions — for how manufacturing will grow in the coming months and years.
NPE 2015 end-use regulatory impact review: Food labeling/packaging
Don Rosato EngineeringThe National Plastics Exposition (NPE) recently took place March 23-27 in Orlando, Florida. Let's go behind the scenes and take a look from a plastics engineering standpoint at some of the regulatory impacts in key plastics end-uses and related technologies.
Innovative technology drives barrier packaging trends
Don Rosato EngineeringDespite being costly, plastic barrier packaging has established itself in the food and beverage sector because it can prevent oxygenation and thus degradation of contents. It is being used to increase shelf life, protect flavor profiles and maintain food appearance without adding preservatives.
NPE 2015 end-use regulatory impact review: Automotive lightweighting
Don Rosato EngineeringThe National Plastics Exposition (NPE) recently took place March 23-27 in Orlando, Florida. Let's go behind the scenes and take a look from a plastics engineering standpoint at some of the regulatory impacts in key plastics end-uses and related technologies.
The costs of holding inventory in the paper industry
Jeff Ell ManufacturingWhen working with our customers, we've noticed that the concern about how to handle inventory is often spoken about at the last minute before things are final. We have also found inventory holding costs are often misunderstood by a wide margin in the paper industry.
SPE ANTEC 2015 highlights plastics innovation on the move
Aldo Crugnola, Nick Schott and Don Rosato EngineeringANTEC, produced by the Society of Plastics Engineers, is the largest, most respected and well-known technical conference in the plastics industry. Since its start in 1942, ANTEC has successfully expanded from the U.S. into Europe, India and the Middle East with further expansion to global locations in 2015 and beyond.
UK making efforts to improve ‘cold chain’
Andrew Gaved ManufacturingI have written before about the efforts being made by the cooling industry to emphasize the importance of the "cold chain" — the route by which food is distributed from producer to retailer under refrigerated conditions. An improved cold chain, the industry argues, is a win-win globally. In the developed world, it can improve shelf lives and thus reduce food wastage. In the developing world, it can literally save people's lives by reducing the amount of spoilage.
How 3-D printing can save on your company’s tax bill
Tracy Szwec Manufacturing3-D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is one of the hottest topics in manufacturing today. After all, this technology is solving many problems, and it could actually be quite cost-effective for some organizations. In some cases, it is possible that additive manufacturing could be used as research and development — this topic is being discussed by many organizations as the possibilities for cutting associated costs are appealing.
Carbon dioxide refrigeration gathers pace, even in warmer climates
Andrew Gaved ManufacturingThe first transcritical carbon dioxide refrigeration systems in warmer climates are showing impressive energy savings, according to reports from the first trials in southern European supermarkets.
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