All Law Enforcement, Defense & Security Articles
  • Sheriff department upgrades show increased need for technology

    Bambi Majumdar Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    Resource upgrades routinely top the list of needs for every law enforcement agency, but never has the agenda been so aggressive like it is today. With the speed that technology and communications have developed and evolved in the past 10 years, the need for "new" has accelerated big time.

  • Clearing up the confusion around rifle caliber

    John McAdams Recreation & Leisure

    Caliber is the approximate diameter of the inside of the barrel on a firearm or the diameter of a bullet, and is usually expressed in inches or millimeters. In addition to using different units of measurement, different countries sometimes use different methods of measuring caliber. Because of these factors, deciphering the actual diameter of a bullet or the bore size of a firearm can be bewildering. However, I'm attempting to clear up some of the confusion in this article.

  • Is your fire truck operation-ready 24/7/365?

    Frank R. Myers Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    Despite why you chose a career in the fire service — to help people, excitement, tradition, opportunity, etc. — the fact remains that it is one of the most dangerous professions out there. In our line of work, minutes and seconds count.

  • Why our home defense plan turned out to be a failure

    Ken Jolly Recreation & Leisure

    As Murphy's law states, anything that can go wrong, will go wrong. My wife and I felt secure with our home defense plan. Both of us knew our part and felt confident in executing it. Then, one night several months ago, the home intruder alarm went off around 3 a.m., dragging us both up from sound sleep.

  • Is ‘Robocop’ a reality? Not yet, but technology is inching…

    Danielle Manley Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    In the movie "Robocop," the year is 2028, and police officer Alex Murphy is critically injured in the line of duty. Scientists decide to "rebuild" Murphy into a cyborg police officer — part-man, part-robot. When the original "Robocop" came out in 1987, robots were merely a far-fetched futuristic concept of "The Jetsons." It was fiction. It was fun. By the time the rebooted "Robocop" movie was released in 2014, robots were real.

  • What makes a good workplace investigator?

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    Michael Julian, CPI, PPS, CSP, grew up in the investigations business. His father, Ron Julian was a former law enforcement officer and entrepreneur who started what was to become National Business Investigations, Inc. in 1967. Though originally focused on investigations, the company has now expanded with Michael as CEO to include even more specialized investigation services, plus additional divisions addressing personal, protective security as well as institution security services.

  • Using a shotgun for home defense

    Ken Jolly Recreation & Leisure

    My entry into the field of self-defense shotguns is recent and sad. My wife's brother was a friend and always crewed for me in regattas at the yacht club. We brought him to our home for hospice care so he could go pain-free with dignity and grace. This was not easy, and I cannot say enough praise about the people who work in hospice care.

  • The perfect storm for a pilot shortage: Part II

    Mark Huber Transportation Technology & Automotive

    The U.S. civil aviation industry has long relied on the military to train a good share of its pilots — directly or indirectly — going back to the days just after World War II. With the military's shrinking size, it's understandable that the number of pilots with military training entering the civilian workforce is shrinking.

  • Underage boozing is on the decline, but is America really drinking less?

    Cait Harrison Food & Beverage

    ​Kids these days: Maybe they're actually doing better than we thought. Or at least better than our own generations did as youths. Here's why: A new report from Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration shows that both rates of underage drinking and underage binge drinking are on the decline. The study of people ages 12 to 20 found that between 2002 and 2013, underage drinking dropped from 28.8 percent in 2002 to 22.7 percent, while binge drinking fell from 19.3 to 14.2 percent for the same age group.

  • Anesthesiologist found guilty after verbally abusing patient

    Joan Spitrey Healthcare Administration

    Most healthcare providers show patients a high level of respect, regardless of whether a patient is under sedation or wide awake. In fact, most patients hold healthcare providers with high regard and expect superior service when in their care. Unfortunately, a jury recently found an anesthesiologist guilty of defamation and medical malpractice after a patient recorded her vicious remarks made toward him.