All Food & Beverage Articles
  • Does heavy drinking affect brain function?

    Dorothy L. Tengler Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Not much research exists that examines the impact of alcohol consumption on brain aging before old age. However, a new study has included data from more than 5,000 men and 2,000 women at midlife, and this research suggests that middle-aged men who drink heavily show declines in memory, attention and reasoning skills six years earlier than men who drink less alcohol.

  • The View from Europe: Supermarkets showing a natural confidence

    Andrew Gaved Manufacturing

    The supermarket sector in Europe has long been viewed as a driver of change in the world of refrigeration. European supermarkets are often large companies or co-operatives, which provides a naturally dominant position to all their supply chains. But arguably more than any other large companies, food retailers are constantly face-to-face with their customers, as well as their shareholders.

  • Focus and growth on nutritious snacks for children

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    “Smart Snacks in Schools,” the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s new regulation, has found a stronger advocate. First lady Michelle Obama has just announced the “school wellness standards,” which will determine healthier food availability in school cafeterias as well as establish stringent marketing regulations that will curb all junk food propaganda in and around schools.

  • Top wine trends for 2014

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    Wine consumption and revenue figures have been on a steep rise for the last decade. Even the recession could not make much of a dent in the numbers, and the industry seems to have become even more robust than before.

  • Is the money spent each year on supplements creating benefits?

    Cynthia Sheppard Solomon Pharmaceutical

    A recent study in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests not. In fact, the researchers question whether Americans are wasting money. There is actually significant evidence to advise against routine supplementation.

  • 2014 food trends lean toward health, fun

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    So what will be cooking in 2014? Will be there be another surge of change in restaurant menus and grocery aisles to match health trends? Will fine dining rule or will there be more cookouts throughout the year?

  • Record growth in the US wine market

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    ​U.S. wines are taking both the domestic and world market by storm. An increase in exports as well as domestic sales figures point to this positive growth. Sales figures of all wines in the U.S. ​hit a record high in 2012 with a 2 percent increase in sales from the year before, at around $34.6 billion. These figures are a result of ​a staggering 360.1 million cases of both domestic and foreign wine sold across the country.

  • Are GMOs worth the risk?

    Lauren Swan Food & Beverage

    ​Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our food supply has been a hot topic in the U.S. for the past several years, reaching its peak with the passing of The Farmer Assurance Provision (The Monsanto Protection Act). Many Americans, regardless of ethnicity or political party, want foods containing GMOs to be labeled — 82 percent, according to the Huffington Post. Meanwhile, barely more than a third of Americans believe GMOs are safe to eat, regardless of labeling.

  • Tips for success in a small-town restaurant

    Danielle Manley Food & Beverage

    Restaurants in small towns across the U.S. struggle to stay alive on a daily basis. New restaurants are opened often, but they close often, too. How does a small-town restaurant succeed in such a difficult environment? The owners of Magnolia Station offer some pointers.

  • Strong to the finish: Impact of lutein and zeaxanthin on cognitive functions

    Dr. Denise A. Valenti Sports & Fitness

    ​Staying strong to the finish; that is a goal for all of us. Staying strong for nine innings and routinely sending a baseball into the stands is a goal few attain. But it is possible. There is ever increasing evidence that a healthy lifestyle, including a diet rich in fruits and vegetables enhances visual performance, stabilizes cognitive function and prolongs tissue vitality — particularly keeping neural cells such as those in the retina of the eye healthy.