Recent Articles

  • Accepting or declining an offer letter of employment

    Hank Boyer Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    You got the offer letter. Now what? You’ve spent the past three-and-a-half months interviewing, and your efforts have paid off. One of your top employers has made a verbal job offer to you and has promised to send you an official offer letter. Here’s what you can expect to see, along with a few ideas on what actions to take. These ideas apply to new employment as well as accepting a promotion with your existing employer.

  • Infographic: Is nanotechnology the future of medicine?

    Brian Wallace Pharmaceutical

    Nanotechnology has been used in medicine since 2001, but it's now being developed into something bigger. Ingestible capsules containing sensors, cameras, and more are already changing the face of medicine. By 2024, the global market for nanotech will exceed $125 billion. However, there are some ethical concerns about this futuristic field, and public sentiment is currently mixed regarding nanotech. This infographic outlines the advances in medical nanotechnology as well as where the industry is headed.

  • The latest in meeting room design trends

    Edward Belleville Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    It’s 2019 and, still, meetings are seen as a necessary evil, and the rooms where they take place are regarded as being in a vacuum. Apart from the parts of our day we are forced to sit inside one, we avoid thinking about meeting rooms. They are like the storage room nobody wants to tidy. But meetings, whether long or short, big or small, are crucial to any business. To function well, companies must provide employees with well-designed daily spaces for collaboration. Here is an overview of the key trends in meeting room design.

  • Deadliest, most common cancers get the least attention

    Karen Selby Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Cancer is one of the top five leading causes of death in the U.S. The American Cancer Society estimates 1.7 million new cases will be diagnosed and more than 600,000 people will die of the disease in 2019. Americans across the nation are responding to these alarming numbers, but the public and the federal government are focusing their concerns — and donations — on cancers getting the most publicity, not the ones killing the most people.

  • The future of food and beverage lies in online behavior analysis

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    Marketing effectiveness is now predicated on analyzing online consumer behavior. We are digitally immersed, and our buying behavior is reflected in our digital footprint across all channels from emails to social media. AI-driven back-end tools are continually assessing our likes so that marketers can be more efficient in their targeting. The same is true of the food and beverage industry, which is increasingly looking at online consumer conversations for the next step in its journey. A recent consumer insights report by Social Standards shows distinct shifts in this regard.

  • E-scooters: A blessing or a curse?

    Dave G. Houser Transportation Technology & Automotive

    Once serving only as children’s toys, scooters have taken on a new life these days in cities across America. Powered by compact lithium-ion batteries, these stubby little two-wheelers have become the latest adult solution to urban congestion. The popularity of e-scooters is understandable. Foremost, they are easy and fun to ride. Eco-sensitive riders laud the fact that they produce no emissions and constitute a minimal carbon footprint. Nonetheless, the massive influx of e-scooters has created a groundswell of controversy. Critics cite safety issues, decrying scooters as risky to both riders and pedestrians.

  • Cafeteria plan benefits: A primer for employers

    Grace Ferguson Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    According to a 2019 survey by the Society for Human Resource Management, "employers were more likely to increase offerings in all benefits categories than to decrease offerings." Further, employers believe that healthcare benefits are the most important to their workforce. However, healthcare benefits have a long-standing reputation for being expensive. To alleviate the cost burden for employees, in 1978, the U.S. Congress created Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Code. Benefit plans established under Code Section 125 are known as cafeteria — or Section 125 — plans. A cafeteria plan enables employees to pay for qualified benefits, such as group health insurance, on a pretax basis.

  • Does class size actually matter?

    Patrick Gleeson Education

    Most parents agree that kids are going to learn better and faster in a smaller class than in a large one. But not everyone agrees that this is so, despite the fact that the largest study on the effect of class size to date demonstrates that "small classes appear to benefit all kinds of students in all kinds of schools." One of the more trenchant critiques appeared in 2018 in the technological and education-oriented THE Journal, which concluded that "class size doesn’t matter," and that in at least one area, mathematics, outcomes improved as class sizes increased.

  • Start writing your annual leadership letter now

    Catherine Iste Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    A leadership letter can be many things: an inspiring speech at a year-end event; a note sent to each employee; or a detailed account written as an act of reflection. Regardless of the audience, annual letters are a valuable tool for leaders. Meanwhile, the fastest quarter of the year has begun. The slower, longer days of summer have given way to workweeks shortened with frequent holidays and evenings interrupted with activities, engagements and annual events. That is exactly why we should start writing our leadership letters now.

  • How social listening can boost your digital marketing power

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    Do you know how to incorporate social listening as part of your marketing strategy? If not, it's time to start harnessing its power. Social listening is the practice of crawling the internet to locate all the mentions of your brand on social media platforms as well as your brand's related keywords. This way, you can very specifically target the consumers who will buy what you're selling quickly and easily. To do it most effectively, you need a strategy of do’s and don'ts that will maximize your time, marketing focus, and your campaign effectiveness. Use the following science-driven tips to do it right.