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New year, new initiatives: How to set up for success
Deborah Ike Religious CommunityWith a new year comes the sense of a fresh start. We’ve wrapped up the holiday season, got some rest, and are getting back to the office this week. As we begin the year, your church may have several projects in the queue. Facility maintenance, software changes, new equipment installation, or perhaps a new building are all possible projects. As you prepare to launch these initiatives, consider these tips for setting the team up for success from the start.
6 cybersecurity resolutions worth sticking to in 2020
Daniel Markuson Science & TechnologyEveryone is familiar with the desire to change for the better as the New Year comes. And although about 80% of New Year's resolutions fail by mid-February, some are worth keeping. In the digital age, those are the ones related to cybersecurity and online lives. We have no control over when the next company or even government institution is hacked. But even if we can't prevent all cyber threats, there are things we can do to make our digital life safer. Promise to stay safe during 2020 and make these resolutions that will stick.
Do applicant tracking systems work?
Terri Williams Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementApplicant tracking systems (ATS) automate the recruitment, interview, and hiring process. They provide a tremendous benefit to companies, but at what cost? Do they improve the process for job seekers or actually make it more cumbersome? And to what degree could an ATS hinder companies from finding the best applicants? Gene Mal, CTO at Static Jobs, has been on both sides of the table, and he’s not a fan of using an ATS. "Employers are starting to realize that applicant tracking systems don't work," he says.
International College of Dentists celebrates centennial in 2020
Tammy Hinojos Oral & Dental HealthcareThe International College of Dentists has a big reason to celebrate the new year. 2020 marks the 100th anniversary of the organization, which was founded in 1920 in Nagoya, Japan. When Drs. Louis Ottofy and Tsurukichi Okumura first birthed the idea to create the International College of Dentists, they likely never imagined that the inaugural number of 250 fellows would grow to more than 12,000 fellows in 122 countries. The ICD will celebrate that growth in 2020 with 100th anniversary celebrations all over the world and throughout the year.
Select sanctuary counties in Colorado refuse ‘red flag’ gun…
Michelle R. Matisons Law Enforcement, Defense & SecurityAs we ring in the new decade, new state laws ring in as well. Colorado offers a case study, with a "red flag" law that was contested and upheld in the state Supreme Court. Not everyone was happy about the court’s decision, and a largely right-wing phenomenon with potential nonpartisan appeal — gun sanctuary counties — was the result. Leave it to Colorado to be immersed in controversial gun reform legislation.
A tasty rule for longer hiking trips
Cindy Belt Recreation & LeisureI've been hiking for years. I have a general rule of thumb that I hike without water if I expect the trip is less than an hour and it isn't too hot. After that, I'll bring a bottle of water and a snack or two. For longer trips of four hours or more, I will bring more water and more snacks. Recently, though, we've been doing some longer hikes or several short ones where we are hiking over lunchtime. Those snacks didn't feel right. So, we've been bringing a sandwich, and it has changed our hiking style and enjoyment of the trail. My new rule: Bring a sandwich!
3 easy-as-pie steps help you to a healthy year
Bob Kowalski Medical & Allied HealthcareWe all can agree that we want to be healthier. We don't need a New Year’s resolution to decide that. The sticking point is the amount of effort required, the time needed to make a commitment last, or a variety of other factors that get in our way. But it doesn't have to be that hard. You can negate those holiday cookies and cakes with easy-as-pie changes to your everyday routine.
Why cultural understanding is essential: Part 4
Douglas Magrath EducationIt is important for instructors and staff to understand the various cultures represented in their student populations. Culture might be defined as the ideas, customs, skills, arts and tools that characterize a given group of people in a given period. Culture is an integral part of any communicative language course; culture involves the interaction of words, function and reality. Language and culture are tied together. You can't have one without the other.
How to avoid the perils of rump sessions
Bob Harris and DaVina Lara Association ManagementA rump session is described as a meeting before or after the larger meeting. In associations, a rump session might occur in the parking lot after the board meeting; a few directors hanging back to rehash what was decided. At other times it is a call between directors to discuss association business. It could be a meetup at lunch or the bar to talk about the upcoming board agenda. Some associations have adopted a policy: "Rump sessions involving the discussion of business matters are to be avoided."
How to begin navigating your career transition
Hank Boyer Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementA career transition occurs when someone changes the nature of their career path. It means this person has already invested substantial time on a particular career path, and now seeks to change to something fundamentally different. Navigating a career transition need not be overwhelming. Here are several questions for successfully navigating a career transition that should be answered before taking the leap.