Recent Articles

  • US natural gas exports revisited: A real debate emerges

    Lucy Wallwork Natural Resources

    I have summarized both sid​es of the debate previously on whether the U.S. should start exporting its natural gas internationally. Now on the back of a Senate hearing in January, the debate over the wisdom of a continued ban on U.S. oil and gas exports has intensified.

  • As costs soar, officials wonder if Sochi is ready to host Olympics

    Suzanne Mason Civil & Government

    ​The Winter Olympics are less than a week away, but the preparation in Sochi, Russia, has been seven years in the making. When the Russian city was awarded the Olympics back in 2007, officials estimated the cost would be $12 billion. But Sochi has spent $51 billion, topping the $40 million China spent on the 2008 Summer Olympics. Despite the jump in the cost, is Sochi ready to host the Olympics?

  • 5 reasons your business should have a blog

    Amanda O'Brien Pet Care

    Maybe you have thought about a blog for your business. Maybe you have started and stalled out, but it is time to really consider the benefits. A blog is a type of website or an extension of your website where you can write about just about anything. There are fashion blogs, gossip blogs, science blogs and blogs in every industry. Blogging platforms are easy to use, and your customers and search engines love blogs for their articles and information.

  • Cannabis craze: A pharmacist’s take on medical marijuana

    Jason Poquette Pharmaceutical

    ​It is no exaggeration to say our nation is presently obsessed with the issues surrounding availability and access to marijuana. Presently, 20 states allow for the medical use of marijuana. Two states, Colorado and Washington, allow for the purchase of marijuana for recreational use. Nine more states have legislation pending on the matter. As a pharmacist, I am concerned about the issue on a practical level.

  • Record growth in the US wine market

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    ​U.S. wines are taking both the domestic and world market by storm. An increase in exports as well as domestic sales figures point to this positive growth. Sales figures of all wines in the U.S. ​hit a record high in 2012 with a 2 percent increase in sales from the year before, at around $34.6 billion. These figures are a result of ​a staggering 360.1 million cases of both domestic and foreign wine sold across the country.

  • Flying the box: The safety benefit of light helicopter simulators

    Mark Huber Transportation Technology & Automotive

    ​There was a time when only those pilots flying medium or heavy helicopters in the military or the offshore energy sector enjoyed the benefit of simulator training or "flying the box." But when it came to light single or twin-engine helo pilots — including those flying EMS — you earned your training spurs in the cockpit. Not anymore.

  • Attracting young adults to insurance exchanges proves difficult

    Pamela Lewis Dolan Healthcare Administration

    ​After a slow and rocky start, the state and federal health insurance exchanges seem to finally be taking off. By the end of December, enrollment surpassed the 3 million mark for state and federal marketplaces combined. But young adults — who many claim are key to the success of the Affordable Care Act — haven't been as eager as their older counterparts to enroll.

  • Planning pitfalls: How to avoid hosting a dud

    Nick Merrill Travel, Hospitality & Event Management

    Planning an event, and not sure if it will be well attended? Let's face it, we've all been there. You can throw the greatest party in history — and it amounts to nothing if no one attends. To help avoid this event planner's worst nightmare, here is a list of common mistakes and pitfalls that can arise when planning your next big event.

  • AHR Expo highlights important trends in HVAC&R industry

    Denny Hydrick Facilities & Grounds

    I recently attended the AHR Expo 2014 in New York City along with several thousand more freezing souls. The show is co-sponsored by AHRI and ASHRAE, which is obviously pointed towards HVAC professionals, many of whom are employed in some type of facility (vs. construction or service companies). This fact alone made the Association for Facilities Engineering presence almost a necessity.

  • Tips to avoid a Super Bowl hangover

    Jessica Taylor Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The football season is nearly over, and now it's time to put all your focus into one last game — the Super Bowl. We all know you're going to get together with some family and friends Sunday, have some drinks and eat some food that's definitely not the healthiest for you. When you wake up the next day, thoughts of "I really don't want to go to work today" are going to be roaming through your head. Don't fret; you're not the only one