Recent Articles

  • Using a historical document as a teaching tool

    Douglas Magrath Education

    This article, featuring Elbert Hubbard's "A Message to Garcia," may be of interest for instructors teaching higher-level students who need some encouragement to stay on task. It is a great lesson on ethics and loyalty set in a historical time frame over 100 years in the past. It is also a good example of journalistic writing of the period and appeals to a broad audience, not just history buffs. The passage may be used as a reading or a listening comprehension exercise for ESL or as part of a sheltered ESL for history course.

  • Steps to take to save sponsorships

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    Associations have postponed or canceled many events during these challenging times. Lost sponsorships represent significant income as a percentage of events and the overall budget. Take these steps to save sponsor relationships and revenue.

  • The risk of obeying an unlawful order

    Rebecca Walker Donaldson Law Enforcement, Defense & Security

    A month ago, protests erupted across the nation over the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer. On May 31, 2020, President Trump warned that if state and local governments did not take actions that he deemed appropriate, then he would "deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them." The president’s threat prompted a broad discussion about whether the president has the legal authority to deploy the military to quell unrest in such a situation.

  • How hip-hop culture can power up student self-worth, engagement

    Sheilamary Koch Education

    Hip Hop for Change has empowered and educated students remotely these past few months as school administrators have sought out the nonprofit to help motivate students as they tire of online learning. Even in the best of times, whether they're making beats, DJing, rapping, breakdancing or doing graffiti art — kids have a lot of fun learning with hip-hop. "When education so often feels like shoving things down kids’ throats, hip-hop is really a no-brainer," says Khafre Jay, founder and executive director of San Francisco Bay Area-based Hip Hop for Change (HH4C).

  • Is it time for your company to go to a 4-day workweek?

    D. Albert Brannen Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The world of work may never be the same after the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. One casualty of the pandemic could be the structured five-day, in-the-office workweek. According to a survey conducted before the pandemic, over 40% of organizations offer some form of telecommuting and an even greater 57% offer some form of flexible work hours arrangement. This article examines some of the advantages of going to four-day or flexible workweek, along with some of the disadvantages and challenges to implementing a shortened or compressed schedule.

  • How llama antibodies could help fight COVID-19

    Amanda Ghosh Medical & Allied Healthcare

    Scientists around the globe are exploring ways to fight COVID-19 as we self-quarantine and wait. Though a potential treatment for COVID-19 may not be the first thought that comes to mind when you hear your kids watching episodes of "Llama Llama" on Netflix during your Monday morning conference call, llamas may be part of our ticket back to normalcy.

  • 5 mistakes to avoid in marketing campaigns as the pandemic continues

    Lisa Mulcahy Marketing

    As a marketer seeking recovery for your brand as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact the nation, it's essential to adopt the right mindset. It's perfectly logical that you want to come out strong with digital communication right out of the gate and ensure the start of a robust profit recovery. Slow your roll, though — the last thing you want to do right now is read the tea leaves wrong and alienate your existing customer base and potential clientele.

  • Infographic: How technology can help the economy recover

    Brian Wallace Science & Technology

    Technology, both as a tool and as an economic sector, has kept the economy going during the pandemic, and it will also figure heavily into the economic recovery. This infographic outlines the state of the economy as well as how technology has aided in economic recoveries in the past.

  • When do you need a board whisperer?

    Robert C. Harris Association Management

    The term "whisperer" was popularized by the movie "The Horse Whisperer." A horse whisperer is a person who can calm and work with difficult horses. It is said the talent takes years of practice to develop the sense. It is also said that nobody can teach a horse by "whispering." There is no secret process to have horses instantly understand the intention and desired behaviors. The same can be said for calming and training a board of directors. There is no one formula.

  • Small businesses rush for technological answers, advances during pandemic

    Kevin Reynolds Business Management, Services & Risk Management

    The coronavirus has upended the way small businesses operate for months. One of the longest-lasting impacts of the virus, though, will be how fast and how many small businesses have been forced into investing into technology. With contactless pickup, new payment methods, and cleaning services all far more important than they were at the start of the year, a common denominator in every industry is the need for innovation.