Our clients will certainly be setting goals and New Year's resolutions for 2019: starting a new exercise routine, a dietary cleanse, or perhaps a goal to finally give themselves the skin that they always wanted.

We, as spa industry professionals, should be several steps ahead of them and ready to guide them in the right direction when it comes to making major improvements in their skin for this upcoming year. Follow my expert tips below and help your clients transform their skin in 2019.

Start the conversation about skin transformation.

Whether you are motivating existing clients or working with new ones, be sure to get crystal clear about what your spa can do for them in terms of creating noticeable changes in their skin. Ownership, management and staff should meet and chat about how they can present the spa's greatest service and product offerings in a concise and meaningful way.

If you are a laser center, for instance, you will want to brainstorm ideas for promoting certain machines and bring awareness about their efficacy and results. Be sure that clients understand the technology and can see helpful before and after photos that show significant changes in the skin. Clients respond best to visual cues via photos and videos.

If your spa has more of a holistic and natural focus, then invite clients to experience a treatment that will pamper them mind, body and skin in a new and integrative way. Many clients are looking for skin care routines that create lasting results but also facilitate relaxation and tranquility.

So be sure to talk about what your services can offer them if they are more wellness-minded and looking for a new self-care routine in the new year.

The key takeaway, here: answer existing and new clients' questions before they have to ask them. Spell out precisely what your spa can do to address their concerns so they will come to you in the new year for all of their skincare needs.

Customize a care plan.

The new year is a great time to revisit care plans for existing clients and set up novel and exciting care plans for new clients. Revisit your current client charts and make sure you have updated photos, intake forms and demographic information.

Look at their purchase histories for services and retail products and see if it has been a while since they came in or replenished their skincare. The new year is an opportune time to start a new and fresh regimen and reconnect with clients who are looking for a skincare reboot.

For new clients, create a short term and long-term treatment plan: one for the first 90 days and one for the rest of the year. It's important to get them started with products and services that will give them a jump-start — see what works and what doesn't — then proceed with a regular monthly plan for the rest of the year.

In the first 90 days you can see how clients do with their homecare and if they stick to a treatment plan of in-spa services. After that, I usually advise my clients that we can start to modify their plan and get a bit more aggressive with their treatments after getting to know their skin.

Reach out and advertise.

Whether you prefer to reach out to your current and prospective clients via email, social media, postcards or radio/TV ads, be sure to create a brand presence in the new year. Once again, clients are looking to make changes to their health and wellness routines and will be pleased to see information about your business.

Perhaps you can offer free consultations and skin analyses. Consider what product starter kits or packages of services you could offer that would entice them to come in. Incentives for pre-booking multiple appointments are also great ways to get people in the door.

Informative presentations and seminars are a huge hit especially if you do live demonstrations of services. Think about interactive ways to invite new and existing clients into your space.

As always, work with your trusted product and equipment vendors to arrange for visual displays, free products and live demonstrations around the spa. Very often, they have a budget for events like these and will be happy to assist you in creating a fun and attention-grabbing live event in your spa.

If you are hoping to attract new business to your spa this new year, then have a solid plan in place now. Create a buzz for new and existing clients by getting very clear on what your spa can offer them to transform their skin.

Invite clients in for customized sessions to discuss a transformative care plan for them that includes professional services and products. And spend some time and money advertising in the new year to enhance your brand's presence so that those looking to make changes to their skin will know where to find you.

These three simple tricks will bolster your business and start the new year off to a lucrative and exciting start!