Periscope's initial live stream competitor, Meerkat, seems to be falling to the wayside. Meanwhile, Periscope is gaining more momentum.

Acquired in January by Twitter, Periscope launched in March. The app now has more than 10 million active accounts, and more than 2 million of those users log in daily.

Learn how your organization can use Periscope to market and brand your company today.

Ways to use Periscope for marketing

  • Behind the scenes: Users are tired of perfectly staged Instagrams and endlessly edited Tweets. They want something raw and authentic. An off-the-cuff behind the scenes or "a day in the life" shows followers what your day really entails.
  • Establish your expertise: Share the three aspects of your business that you are the expert in.
  • Demo a product: Create a Periscope to show how your products work along with the many uses for it. Since Periscopes are more personal, fun and less rehearsed, create a product demo even if you already have similar videos.
  • Stream live events: If you're already hosting an event, share it those who couldn't make it. Choose a Periscope MC to ask the guests questions, explain what's going on, and check that the stream is catching the best shots.
  • Grab-bag Q&A: Hardly any prep is needed for this one. Simply give your viewers the floor. Let them ask you and your brand any questions they have on their mind.
  • Customer service: Digital customer service misses one of its most essential elements: humanity. By answering questions face-to-face, your brand seems more genuinely interested in your customers. Plus, a connection will form faster, leading to brand loyalty.
  • Share your brand's story: Customers love to hear your brand story. It's how they connect with you on a more personal level. Detail how you got to where you are. Tell your origin story — truthfully, without all the bells and whistles.
  • Debut breaking news: Periscope takes the concept of brands as publishers to the next level. Your brand doesn't need media coverage to debut breaking news and changes anymore. All you need is a Periscope account.

Tips for a stellar first Periscope stream

  • Use an ethernet connection to get the best Internet connection possible. Wi-Fi can be spotty and inconsistent, so your broadcast could slow down at times or stop altogether.
  • At the start of your broadcast, detail when you'll answer questions. With Periscope, users can comment and like at anytime. Your best bet is to answer specific questions after every section. Then, handle remaining questions at your broadcast's end.
  • Practice! Do at least three dry runs before going live. You'll be more comfortable with the material, know the talking points you want to hit and will appear refined in your stream. Plus, you'll fix the lighting, audio and layout of your video ahead of time.
  • Set goals for each scope. What do you want to convey to your viewers this time? What vibe do you want to portray? How is this furthering your brand?

How to set up a stream

  • Download the app and sign up with your Twitter account. Tweak your bio, and add your URL.
  • Watch a handful of Periscopes to see what works.
  • Connect with other users. Build an audience before you broadcast your first scope.
  • Lights, camera, action! Tap the camera icon on the bottom of the screen.
  • Create a catchy, SEO-driven broadcast title.
  • Customize your location, set your broadcast as public, and tweet your live stream.
  • Click "Start Broadcast." Answer questions along the way, and connect with viewers.
  • Finished? Swipe the screen down and click "Stop Broadcast."
  • Then click "Save to Camera Roll." Now, go to your pictures, select your Periscope, and click the upload icon in the bottom left corner. Upload your Periscope stream to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo or Google+.