Industrial marketing begins with great content, but how do you…
Kyle Fiehler EngineeringMore and more research in the industrial sector is being conducted online. For instance, a study of 2015 digital media use in the industrial sector published by the firm IHS Engineering360 found that 77 percent of engineers use digital media to find parts, services and suppliers.
The global oil industry: How the oil majors are adapting to a new era
Lucy Wallwork Natural ResourcesIn 1998, the Asian economic crisis plunged the world closer and closer toward global crisis. Benchmark oil prices soon plunged from $24 to $12. The future of the industry looked gloomy. This transformation in the oil price environment sparked the most comprehensive reshaping and restructuring of the oil and gas industry since trust-busting Theodore Roosevelt broke up Standard Oil in 1911.
Sci-fi writers rocket Lowe’s customer service into the 21st century
Danielle Manley RetailIn the last two years, customer satisfaction has declined across all retail sectors, according to a new report by ACSI. Satisfaction was highest after the Great Recession when companies were doing practically anything to win back customers. Now that retailers have regained their footing, they are increasing prices again and spending less time and effort on winning customers as they focus on planning ahead.
Novel medical plastics packaging material and process advances
Don Rosato EngineeringIt is projected that ongoing medical packaging research and development will continue to produce sophisticated, technically advanced products. This includes smart films that absorb or emit various gases, films that incorporate antioxidants that are gradually diffused into the product, or ozone-emitting antibiotic film.
High hopes for Europe’s integrated strategy for heating and cooling
Andrew Gaved Facilities & GroundsLast year, I described the European Commission's desire for an integrated approach to heating and cooling, as it sought to reduce and decarbonize its energy consumption. It has now structured its ideas in the form of the first Europe-wide strategy for optimizing the heating and cooling across commercial and industrial buildings.
Report: America’s 50 advanced industries and their impact on manufacturing
Chelsea Adams ManufacturingA newly released analysis by the Brooking Institution's Metropolitan Policy Program identifies 50 high-tech innovation industries deemed crucial to economic prosperity in the United States. However, without changes, these 50 industries face significant challenges to remain competitive on the global manufacturing landscape.
Medical plastics packaging trends keep expanding
Don Rosato EngineeringIn terms of the future, experts say medical packaging will be dramatically different by the end of the next decade. Medical device and pharmaceutical packaging will become easier to use, less costly to produce and provide much better protection in the future.
Reader Sound-Off: Political obstruction and the Hudson River tunnel project
Ryan Clark Transportation Technology & AutomotiveNew York and New Jersey's new Hudson River tunnel "Gateway" project is making the rounds in the news as it was recently predicted in The Record to become the largest public works project in the country. The article explains how much more funding is necessary because the Gateway project attempts to tackle issues in a broader sense than its canceled predecessor, The Access to the Region's Core (ARC) project.
Accident prevention: What’s it going to take?
Michael S. Haro, Ph.D. Business Management, Services & Risk ManagementThe news media are consumed with critical incidents in the workplace. Before these incidents are thoroughly investigated and reported on, media outlets jump in, aiding and abetting emotional aspects that incite and seemly encourage an outpouring of negative behaviors.
European HFC producers worry about ‘stockpile syndrome’
Andrew Gaved Facilities & GroundsThe ambition of the European Union's F-Gas Regulation to reduce use of higher-GWP HFCs through a combination of bans and production phasedowns has been widely admired — indeed it looks set to be the model for what happens in the U.S. and the rest of the world.
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