Stemming the tide: Let’s save the manual transmission
Skip Kuhn Transportation Technology & AutomotiveWhat is a manually-shifted car? After 30 years as an engineer in the automotive industry and 36 years of driving more cars than I have fingers, toes and hair follicles, I think my definition fits with others Porsche owners of like mind.
San Jose turns the corner to report consecutive growth
Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & AutomotiveSan Jose International Airport has reported over a year of consecutive growth in passenger numbers, and has been named the second-fastest-growing medium hub in the country by an industry publication.
New applied automotive weight-saving process technologies
Don Rosato ManufacturingThe average car contains 400 pounds of plastics or approximately 14 percent of its total weight, and it is accelerating in car manufacturing. Experts predict that these uses will more than double over the next five years. For example, Mazda has shaved 220 pounds from the curb weight of its Mazda2 over the previous model through material replacement and engineering, plastic process technology refinement, redesigning features and shrinking parts dimensions.
Creating a culture of safety
Mark Huber Transportation Technology & AutomotiveOrganizations build a safety culture over time in large ways and small. In the hundreds of commercial hangars I've been in over the years, it doesn't take long to spot the safe pilot or safe mechanic.
The do’s and don’ts of auto sales: A buyer’s perspective
Ryan Clark Transportation Technology & AutomotiveI recently purchased a car and it was an experience, to say the least. But, to be honest, buying a car has always been an experience, and I've bought several. Recently, the process has been made even more confusing.
Controlling and preventing corrosion in aircraft
Heather Rhoades Transportation Technology & AutomotiveSimilar to any other metal objects, aircraft are prone to corrosion. In only a few years, this problem can render a plane "unairworthy." As a general preventive measure, therefore, corrosion inhibitors are often applied on the surfaces of the metals used in building aircraft before assembly.
How much does a $2,500 944 Turbo really cost?
Jason Gonzalez Transportation Technology & AutomotiveOwning a car restoration business is an eye-opening experience. I have all of the traditional business issues and overhead such as rent, utilities, inventory and employees and the extra kicker of dealing in commodities with prices for materials and parts fluctuating.
A closer look at Australia’s suffering airports
Matt Falcus Transportation Technology & AutomotiveHigh demand and increasingly inadequate service are putting mounting pressure on Australia's key airports, with Sydney taking the "worst airport" title in a recent Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) annual report.
Automotive lightweighting — Flash-forward material highlights
Don Rosato ManufacturingAutomotive lightweighting with alternative plastic materials will remain an important technology trend into the foreseeable 2020-2025 time period. The lightweighting potential of every vehicle component is under investigation, and advanced plastics and plastic composites offer significant lightweighting potential.
The little picture: How weather cameras impact flight safety
Mark Huber Transportation Technology & AutomotiveWithin the next few weeks, the FAA is expected to make a decision on whether to install aviation weather cameras throughout strategic locations in Hawaii. The Pacific island state has a microclimate that is highly changeable and localized and where unforecast weather has contributed to numerous fixed- and rotary-wing aircraft accidents for decades.
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