All Manufacturing Articles
  • 28 days later: Brexit’s impact on the cooling industry

    Andrew Gaved Manufacturing

    Well, it's been a turbulent few weeks in the world of UK politics. I choose to title this "28 Days Later," because many who are having to deal with the decision to leave the European Union appear to be wandering around with the same sort of dazed state as the zombies in the film of that name.

  • Developing plastics manufacturing cell automation applications

    Don Rosato Engineering

    Production cell applications that increase manufacturing efficiency are central to modern plastics manufacturing automation. To respond effectively to the challenges of global competition, plastics processors are increasingly realizing that lean manufacturing is a necessary component, and manufacturing cells are an important strategic tool.

  • Automated plastics process manufacturing takes center stage

    Don Rosato Engineering

    Plastics processing information exchange in the internet age has spawned interesting evolutionary development in plastics manufacturing oriented automation networks. The integration of plastics processing equipment β€” both auxiliary equipment as well as primary processing machines β€” into a company-operated intranet and/or internet offers a number of possibilities. Automation improves monitoring and control of manufacturing processes in a plastics processing plant, as well as provides for the universal exchange of data and other information.

  • UK votes to leave the EU: Now what?

    Andrew Gaved Manufacturing

    There is an old saying that a week is a long time in politics, which the events of this past seven days have proved sage indeed. I must confess that when I wrote my previous article about the "what ifs" of a Brexit vote in the UK, I didn't really expect it would extend beyond a bit of harmless speculation.

  • Plastics manufacturing automation trends rapidly expanding

    Don Rosato Engineering

    The business dynamics of plastics manufacturing automation technologies are rapidly advancing. Trends in labor and energy are having a fundamental impact on plastics processors businesses. To effectively compete internationally and defend/expand established markets, high-wage processors must automate production to increase the productivity and economic efficiency of their operations and keep wages in a competitive range.

  • Will HVACR regulations be affected by Brexit?

    Andrew Gaved Facilities & Grounds

    On June 23, the U.K. will vote whether or not they want to remain a part of the European Union, and the upcoming vote is bringing to light many political issues and regulations. Whilst many politicians are choosing to focus on the macro-issues of defense, immigration, finance and trade, those of us involved in cooling and heating are considering issues closer to our businesses – namely what would happen to the EU regulatory environment if the U.K. did vote to leave the EU?

  • Explosive growth expected for produce processing market

    Bambi Majumdar Food & Beverage

    A new report published by Zion Research predicts the global fruit and vegetable processing market will grow at an impressive annual rate of 7.9 percent through 2020, reaching a total revenue of $320 billion by that time. So what's behind this explosive growth projection? Let's take a closer look.

  • Advanced MIM applications complementary to injection molding

    Don Rosato Engineering

    Metal injection molding (MIM) relies on a thermoplastic polymer blend filled with about 60 percent by volume of a small metal powder. This mixture of polymer and powder is injection molded to form a complex shape. Once molding is completed, the polymer (binder) is extracted, and the small powder is sintered.

  • Implementing a sustainable manufacturing plan at your facility

    Alan Kelsky Manufacturing

    ​The goal of sustainable manufacturing is producing products in ways that have a minimal negative influence on the environment. In order to accomplish this, manufacturers use processes that reduce and prevent greenhouse gases, conserve natural resources and energy and do not harm workers or consumers.

  • What will it take for transition to lower-GWP refrigerants?

    Andrew Gaved Facilities & Grounds

    I have written before about how the combination of the forthcoming bans on higher-GWP refrigerants in the European F-Gas regulations and mandated reductions in the HFCs being sold into the EU are in danger of catching the end-users on the hop. Simply put, if customers don't soon convert to lower-GWP options, they will be faced with two troubling possibilities.