As the coronavirus has caused consumers to stay at home, their search needs have become more specific and focused. Right now, and for the foreseeable future, your customers and clients want convenience as they search to buy what they need.

The best way you can give it to them: positioning your brand for success with a great voice strategy.

According to data from Canalys, smart speaker shipping demand is projected to hit 150 million units this year. Furthermore, customers are very clear when it comes to expressing their specific search needs. Data from 99 Firms shows that almost 20% of voice search questions are triggered by only 25 keywords. Your customers know what they want in the moment and they want it quickly.

How can you optimize this need to help your consumers quickly and efficiently access your brand on multiple platforms and get the info they seek to buy your products easily? Focus on these key areas and you'll be covered:

Learn voice strategy technology nuances inside and out.

Use any company downtime right now to become an Alexa/Siri whiz. Give yourself an extensive tutorial — learn how voice strategy is used as a whole, then break the technology down so you understand the specifics of how your audience is most likely to access it.

Cross-reference what you learn with the demographics of your company's traditional search engine stats to accurately gauge changing demand so you can meet it.

Using location-based product pitches.

According to data from the Banfield Agency, targeting the different areas of consumers' homes where voice searches originate can be very helpful in getting them to consider your brand in a granular way. You already know that the demand for smart speakers is nothing short of explosive, and consumers won't see buying one as a luxury but a necessity.

For example, think about this: a voice search for the kitchen for pasta sauce suggests a customer is looking to perhaps do some quick ingredient gathering for a meal. Not only can you provide info on the sauce you sell but you can also show a delicious recipe available using that product so they can decide to pick up your sauce on today's supply run and cook with it immediately.

Focus on transportation-related voice search.

Speaking of those supply runs, consumers don't feel at ease about doing them very often. So, make them easy; if a consumer is performing a voice search from her car, include logistically close stores where your product is available upfront so she can get in, get your product, and get home to use it as quickly as possible.

This can be a huge relief and win you plenty of repeat business. A great bonus to include: a coupon code pop-up/search tie-in that can be used in real time.

Make mobile searches more streamlined than ever.

If your customers are utilizing voice search on the go, you want to make sure they get an immediate, complete and easy-to-digest return on their requests. Work on improving your search result placement so they get your brand info first; make the content as small-screen friendly and responsive as possible; and facilitate immediate live chat on your platforms so your consumers can talk through questions they have.

Make customer privacy your total priority.

The last thing consumers want to worry about is home security when they use a voice search. Be upfront: dedicate a portion of your FAQ to explain that the data your company gathers from them is limited to information on products or services.

Also, explain in simple yet accurate terms how the technology you use regarding voice strategy is faultlessly airtight to alleviate data breach concerns. In this anxiety-ridden time, consumers need reassurance and results. Never skimp or cut corners when it comes to providing it. Always keep relieving worry at the forefront of your marketing approach.