Donald Trump notwithstanding, for most managers firing an employee is one of the most difficult parts of their job. Even under the best of circumstances, it is stressful and disruptive for everyone involved, and it can create concern among the rest of the staff.

Nonetheless, you need to weigh the damage done by retaining problem employees against the temporary turbulence caused by letting them go.

Once you've identified the employee has become a problem, you should make him aware as soon as possible, put him on notice, agree on steps to remedy the situation, and begin documenting his behavior. If his performance or the situation does not improve within a reasonable time, you need to prepare for his dismissal.

Unless you fear the employee may be a threat to the company or the safety of employees — in which case you should dismiss him immediately plan how and how quickly you can replace him or reassign his duties. That done, at the earliest opportunity meet with him to review his performance and then promptly part ways.

Should that seem harsh, consider the potential cost to the company and the damage to staff morale and productivity not to mention the drain on your time and energy by postponing putting an end to what clearly is not a good situation for either party.

In an article for the Harvard Business Review, management consultant Allison Rimm suggests using a worksheet to help you evaluate the costs and benefits of individuals' performance, their impact on team dynamics and bottom-line results.

"You can list such factors as the employee's likelihood of improvement, the drain on your energy and the cost of replacement," Rimm says. "The tipping point comes when the cost of keeping an employee is greater than the disruption of letting him or her go."

Managers have a responsibility to each of their employees. They also have a responsibility to ensure the welfare of all their employees and the company. That has to take priority when jeopardized by a problem employee. Although at the time it may feel like you are doing them a disservice, a clean break is best.